Open Access
Tracking Neurons in a Moving and Deforming Brain Dataset
- Citation Author(s):
- Jeffrey P. Nguyen, Ashley N. Linder, George S. Plummer, Joshua W. Shaevitz, Andrew M. Leifer
- Submitted by:
- Andrew Leifer
- Last updated:
- Fri, 10/05/2018 - 14:05
- DOI:
- 10.21227/H2901H
- Data Format:
- Links:
- License:
- Creative Commons Attribution
- Categories:
- Keywords:
Advances in optical neuroimaging techniques now allow neural activity to be recorded with cellular resolution in awake and behaving animals. Brain motion in these recordings pose a unique challenge. The location of individual neurons must be tracked in 3D over time to accurately extract single neuron activity traces. Recordings from small invertebrates like C. elegans are especially challenging because they undergo very large brain motion and deformation during animal movement. Here we present a dataset to accompany an automated computer vision pipeline we've developed to reliably track populations of neurons with single neuron resolution in the brain of a freely moving C. elegans undergoing large motion and deformation. Two calcium imaging recordings from freely moving C. elegans are provided, Worm 1 and Worm 2, corresponding to recordings discussed in our corresponding publication: Nguyen JP, Linder AN, Plummer GS, Shaevitz JW, Leifer AM (2017) Automatically tracking neurons in a moving and deforming brain. PLoS Comput Biol 13(5): e1005517. Worm 1 contains hand-tracked annotations of individual neuron identites for comparison to the automated algorithm. When applied to Worm 1, our algorithm consistently finds more neurons more quickly than manual or semi-automated approaches. A recording of Worm 2 is also provided that had never been analyzed by hand. When our analysis pipeline is applied to that 8 minute calcium imaging recording we identify and track 156 neurons during animal behavior.
This folder contains datasets that accompany the publication:
Nguyen JP, Linder AN, Plummer GS, Shaevitz JW, Leifer AM (2017) Automatically tracking neurons in a moving and deforming brain. PLoS Comput Biol 13(5): e1005517.
and correspond to the analysis software located at:
The data for each of Worm consists of 3 video streams, each video stream recorded open loop on different clocks. The videos can be synced using the timing of a camera flash. The two datasets shown in the paper are present. Worm 1 has a shorter recording, and includes manually annotated data neuron locations as well as automated points. Worm 2 is a longer recording.
How to Download
The dataset is available two ways: as a large all-in-one 0.3 TB tarball available for download via the web interface; and as a set of individual files that are avalable for browsing or downloading via Amazon S3.
Quick Summary
The Demo Folder has 5 demo codes that give a flavor for each step of the analysis. The analysis was originally designed to run on a computing cluster, and may not run well on local machines. The demo code, in contrast, is desgined to run locally. Each demo code will take some files in the ouputFiles folder and move them into the main data directory to do a small part of the analysis. The python code in the repo is not needed for these demos. The demos skip part 0, which is used for timing alignment of videos.
Raw Videos
These are the raw video inputs to the analysis pipeline.
sCMOS_Frames_U16_1200x600.dat - Binary image file for HiMag images. Stream of 1200 x 600 uint16 images. The images created by two image channels projected onto a sCMOS camera. The first half of the image (1-600) is the RFP image, the second half (601-1200) is the gCAMP6s image. Both fluorophores are expressed panneuronally in the nucleus. Images are taken at 200Hz, and the worm is scanned with a 3 Hz triangle wave.
AVI files with behavior - Low magnification dark field video.
AVI files with fluorescence - Low magnification fluorescent images.
*HUDS versions of the avi have additional data on the video frame, such as the frame number and program status.
Raw Text files
These are the additional inputs to the analysis pipeline. These files contain timing information for every frame of each of the video feeds. They also contain information about the positions of the stage and the objective. This information, along with the videos themselves, are used to align the timing for all of the videos. Several camera flashes are used throughout the recording.
labJackData.txt - Raw outputs from LabVIEW for the stage, the piezo that drives the objective, the sCMOS camera, and the function generator (FG), taken at 1kHz. The objective is mounted on a piezo stage that is driven by the output voltage of the function generator. The 1kHz clock acts as the timing for each event.
FuncGen - Programmed output from FG, a triangle wave at 6 Hz.
Voltage - Actual FG output
Z Sensor - voltage from piezo, which controls Z position of objective.
FxnGen Sync- Trigger output from FG, triggers at the center of the triangle.
Camera Trigger- Voltage from HiMag camera, down sweeps indicate a frame has been grabbed from HiMag Camera
Frame Count - Number of frames that have been grabbed from HiMag Camera. Not all frames that are grabbed are saved, and the saved frames will be indicated in the saved frames field in the next text file.
Stage X - X position from stage
Stage Y - Y position from stage
CameraFrameData.txt - Metadata from each grabbed frame for HiMag images, saved in LabVIEW. The timing for each of these frames can be pulled from the labJackData.txt.
Total Frames - Total number of grabbed frames
Saved Frames - The current save index, not all grabbed frames are saved. If this increments, the frame has been saved.
DC offset - This is the signal sent to the FG to translate center of the triangle wave to keep the center of the worm in the middle of the wave.
Image STdev - standard deviation of all pixel intensities in each image. (used for trackign in teh axial dimension.)
.yaml files - Data from each grabbed frame for both low mag .avi files
Lots of datafields here are anachronistic holdovers, but of main interest are the FrameNumber, Selapsed (seconds elapsed) and msRemElapsed (ms elapsed). These are parsed in order to determine the timing of each frame.
Processed mat files
These files contain processed output from the analysis pipeline at different steps.
STEP 0: Output of Timing alignment Code.
hiResData.mat - data for each frame of HiMag video. This contains the information about the imaging plane, position of the stage, timing, and which volume each frame belongs to.
Z - z voltage from piezo for each frame, indicating the imaging plane.
frameTime - time of each frame after flash alignment in seconds.
stackIdx - number of the stack each frame belongs to. Each volume recorded is given an increasing number starting at 1 for the first volume. For example, the first 40 images will belong to stackIdx=1, then the next 40 will have stackIdx=2 etc etc…
imSTD - standard dev of each frame
xpos and ypos - stage position for each frame
flashLoc - index of the frame of each flash
*note some of these fields have an extra point at the end, just remove it to make everything the same size
*flashTrack.mat - 1xN vector where N is the number of frames in the corresponding video. The values of flashTrack are the mean of each image. It will show a clear peak when a flash is triggered. This can be used to align the videos.
*YAML.mat - 1xN vector where N is the number of frames in the corresponding video. Each element of the mcdf has all of the metadata for each frame of the video. Using this requires code from github repo.
alignments.mat - set of affine transformations between videos feeds. Each has a "tconcord" field that works
with matlab’s imwarp function.
lowresFluor2BF- Alignment from low mag fluorescent video to low mag behavior video
S2AHiRes - Alignment from HiMag Red channel to HiMag green channel. This alignment is prior to cropping of the HiMag Red channel.
Hi2LowResF - Alignment from HiMag Red to low mag fluorescent video
initializeCLWorkspace.m (done locally for manual centerline initialization)
Python submission code:
Matlab analysis code:
File Outputs: CLstartworkspace.mat, initialized points and background images for darkfield images
CL_files folder, containing partial CL.mat files
BehaviorAnalysis folder, containing the centerline.mat file with XY coordinates for each image.
* due to poor image quality of dark field images, it may be necessary to use some of the code developed by AL to manually adjust centerlines
** worm 1 centerline was found using a different method, so STEP1 can be skipped for worm1.
Python submission code:
Matlab analysis code:
File Outputs: startWorkspace.mat, initial workspace used for during straightening for all volumes
CLStraight* folder, folder containing all saved straightened tif files and results of segmentation.
Python submission code:
Matlab analysis code:
File Outputs: TrackMatrixFolder, containing all registrations of sample volumes with reference volumes.
pointStats.mat, struccture containing all coordinates from all straightened volumes along with a trackIdx, the result of initial tracking of points.
Python submission code:
Matlab analysis code:
File Outputs: botCheckFolder, folder containing all coordinate guesses for all times, one mat file for each neuron.
pointStatsNew.mat, matfile containing the refined trackIdx after error correction.
Python submission code:
Matlab analysis code:
File Output: heatData.mat, all signal results from extracting signal from the coordinates.
Simple dat file Viewer
HiMag fluorescent data files are stored as a stream of binary uint16. The gui "ScanBinaryImageStack" is a simple MATLAB program to view these images. The GUI can be found in the NeRVE git repo at Feel free to add features. To view images, click the button "Select Folder", and select the .dat file. You can now use the slider in the gui or the arrow keys on your keyboard to view different images. You can change the step size to change how much each arrow push increments. You can also change the bounds of the slider away from the default of first frame/last frame. The save snapshot button saves a tiff of the current frame into the directory of the dat file. The size of the image must be specified in the image size fields. All .dat files included are 1200x600 pixels. The program also works if .avi files are selected. In this case, the size of the images is determined automatically.
Dataset Files
Entire dataset (approx 330 GB) Nguyen2017NeuronTracking.tar (328.01 GB)
- NeRVEclustering
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- Background
background1024x512.mat (2.80 MB)
illumination_profile_G.mat (3.72 MB)
illumination_profile_R.mat (3.73 MB)
- Behavior
ActiveContourFit_wormRef4.m (13.12 kB)
EigenwormApprox.m (1.30 kB)
FindWormCentered.m (1.00 kB)
WormEigenBehavior.m (1.10 kB)
circlePlane.m (565 bytes)
eigenWormFitEnergy.m (374 bytes)
eigenWormFitEnergyEigenCLFit.m (640 bytes)
loadCLBehavior.m (2.07 kB)
recreateWorm.m (2.75 kB)
- CenterlineTracking
.git (43 bytes)
ManualTips.m (881 bytes)
SnakeWithTips.m (930 bytes)
SnakeWithTipsInit.m (1.80 kB)
SnakeySnakey.m (970 bytes)
arbok.fig (5.72 kB)
arbok.m (9.41 kB)
backgroundsub.m (359 bytes)
ekans.fig (5.83 kB)
ekans.m (11.17 kB)
external_energy.m (443 bytes)
goodTips.m (266 bytes)
initialSnake.m (586 bytes)
internal_energy.m (891 bytes)
just_the_tip.m (1.83 kB)
relax2tip.m (1.21 kB)
relax2tip_gui.m (1.34 kB)
repel.m (1.01 kB)
tip_interp.m (1.18 kB)
tiptry.m (1.04 kB)
- DemoCode
Demo_pathsetup.m (277 bytes)
Demo_step1.m (1.88 kB)
Demo_step2.m (2.55 kB)
Demo_step3.m (2.97 kB)
Demo_step4.m (3.31 kB)
Demo_step5.m (2.25 kB)
- Gui
ManualBehaviorAnnotation.fig (12.66 kB)
ManualBehaviorAnnotation.m (20.02 kB)
SliceBrowser.fig (8.97 kB)
SliceBrowser.m (12.71 kB)
VisualizeTrackedData.fig (68.75 kB)
VisualizeTrackedData.m (38.15 kB)
VisualizeWorm3dAnalysis.fig (94.29 kB)
VisualizeWorm3dAnalysis.m (33.59 kB)
Worm3DFiducialPickerNetwork_weights.fig (100.40 kB)
Worm3DFiducialPickerNetwork_weights.m (98.88 kB)
WormAnalysisPreview.fig (85.65 kB)
WormAnalysisPreview.m (20.52 kB)
alignment_gui.fig (68.64 kB)
alignment_gui.m (20.38 kB)
scanBinaryImageStack.fig (34.37 kB)
scanBinaryImageStack.m (17.18 kB)
wormCL_Viewer.fig (41.04 kB)
wormCL_Viewer.m (19.88 kB)
wormCL_tip_clicker.fig (42.37 kB)
wormCL_tip_clicker.m (23.02 kB)
- ImageAlignment
ActiveRevolutionFit.m (7.75 kB)
ExtractAlignmentImagesFromVideo.m (3.40 kB)
autoCreateAlignment.m (6.31 kB)
coordinateTransform3d.m (616 bytes)
createAlignment.m (3.71 kB)
getdatdimensions.m (483 bytes)
invertAlignment.m (752 bytes)
stackStabilization.m (4.93 kB)
stackTransform.m (446 bytes)
testAlignment.m (1.36 kB)
- MindControlAccessUtils
.git (47 bytes)
.gitignore (6 bytes)
- @Mcd_Frame
Mcd_Frame.m (1.74 kB)
dropCorrespondingVals.m (1.23 kB)
readOneFrame.m (7.33 kB)
seekToFirstFrame.m (1.23 kB)
yaml2matlab.m (707 bytes)
README.markdown (854 bytes)
- MiscTools
ActiveLoopFit.m (6.35 kB)
ActiveMultiLoopFit.m (11.06 kB)
AreaFilter.m (796 bytes)
CLsearch.m (454 bytes)
CLsearch_2.m (760 bytes)
L2Dist.m (243 bytes)
adjustMatFiles.m (1.87 kB)
axescenter.m (10.09 kB)
bpass.m (7.14 kB)
bpass3.m (7.79 kB)
bpass3_jn.m (8.24 kB)
bpass3_jn2.m (8.27 kB)
bpass3_z.m (9.08 kB)
bpass_jn.m (8.98 kB)
bwdist_jn.m (1.36 kB)
centfind.m (9.43 kB)
check4doubles.m (370 bytes)
- cm_and_cb_utilities
Contents.m (1.01 kB)
cbfit.m (7.12 kB)
cbfreeze.m (15.51 kB)
cbfreeze2.m (15.50 kB)
cbhandle.m (6.29 kB)
cblabel.m (4.49 kB)
cbunits.m (14.74 kB)
cm_and_cb_utilities.png (36.07 kB)
cmapping.m (14.86 kB)
cmfit.m (9.74 kB)
cmjoin.m (13.76 kB)
cmlines.m (4.10 kB)
colNanFill.m (854 bytes)
colorplot.m (377 bytes)
conv3sparse.m (1.83 kB)
convnChunkfft.m (1.03 kB)
convnfft.m (7.54 kB)
dat2tiff.m (958 bytes)
- demon_registration_version_8f
basic_demon_example.m (1.64 kB)
compile_c_files.m (830 bytes)
- functions
MutualTransform.m (4.36 kB)
backwards2forwards.m (1.56 kB)
backwards2forwards_2d_double.c (4.72 kB)
backwards2forwards_2d_double.m (1.99 kB)
backwards2forwards_3d_double.c (7.27 kB)
backwards2forwards_3d_double.mexw64 (10.00 kB)
backwards2forwards_3d_single.c (7.40 kB)
backwards2forwards_3d_single.mexw64 (10.00 kB)
demons_energy.m (9.23 kB)
fminlbfgs.m (31.61 kB)
imgaussian.m (1.40 kB)
imresize3d.m (1.21 kB)
mutual_histogram_double.c (3.64 kB)
mutual_histogram_double.m (1.54 kB)
mutual_histogram_double.mexw64 (8.50 kB)
mutual_histogram_single.c (3.62 kB)
mutual_histogram_single.mexw64 (8.50 kB)
mutual_transform_2d_double.c (19.21 kB)
mutual_transform_2d_double.m (4.53 kB)
mutual_transform_2d_double.mexw64 (11.00 kB)
mutual_transform_3d_double.c (21.40 kB)
mutual_transform_3d_double.mexw64 (12.50 kB)
mutual_transform_3d_single.c (21.60 kB)
mutual_transform_3d_single.mexw64 (12.50 kB)
showcs3.fig (4.82 kB)
showcs3.m (7.64 kB)
store_transf.m (644 bytes)
strain.m (2.21 kB)
- functions_affine
affine_error_3d_double.c (13.88 kB)
affine_error_3d_double.mexw64 (18.00 kB)
affine_error_3d_single.c (13.80 kB)
affine_error_3d_single.mexw64 (17.50 kB)
affine_registration_error.m (5.39 kB)
affine_registration_image.m (2.21 kB)
affine_transform.m (1.06 kB)
affine_transform_2d_double.c (9.61 kB)
affine_transform_2d_double.m (2.49 kB)
affine_transform_3d_double.c (7.37 kB)
affine_transform_3d_double.mexw64 (15.00 kB)
affine_transform_3d_single.c (7.40 kB)
affine_transform_3d_single.mexw64 (14.50 kB)
image_difference.m (12.46 kB)
image_interpolation.c (48.45 kB)
image_interpolation.h (2.46 kB)
make_transformation_matrix.m (2.59 kB)
squared_difference_double.c (1.20 kB)
squared_difference_double.m (119 bytes)
squared_difference_single.c (1.20 kB)
squared_difference_single.mexw64 (8.00 kB)
- functions_nonrigid
image_interpolation.c (48.45 kB)
image_interpolation.h (2.46 kB)
movepixels.m (1.64 kB)
movepixels_2d_double.c (8.46 kB)
movepixels_2d_double.m (2.47 kB)
movepixels_3d_double.c (6.08 kB)
movepixels_3d_double.mexw64 (14.50 kB)
movepixels_3d_single.c (6.13 kB)
movepixels_3d_single.mexw64 (14.50 kB)
- images
brain_FA.png (53.30 kB)
brain_FLAIR.png (65.56 kB)
brain_MD.png (22.38 kB)
brain_T1.png (64.30 kB)
brain_T1_wave.png (65.42 kB)
brain_T2.png (60.84 kB)
brain_T2_wave.png (61.37 kB)
checkboard2.png (1.80 kB)
checkboard3.png (6.89 kB)
checkboard4.png (6.94 kB)
get_example_data.m (1.73 kB)
lenag1.png (33.87 kB)
lenag2.png (35.34 kB)
lenag3.png (40.49 kB)
modtest1.png (3.70 kB)
modtest2.png (3.40 kB)
modtest3.png (3.70 kB)
license.txt (1.28 kB)
- literature
Kroon_Paper_Boston.pdf (2.15 MB)
Kroon_Poster_Boston.pdf (1.43 MB)
register_images.m (14.37 kB)
register_volumes.m (12.83 kB)
- demon_registration_version_8f_bad
- functions
backwards2forwards_2d_double.mexw64 (9.50 kB)
- functions_affine
affine_transform_2d_double.mexw64 (17.00 kB)
squared_difference_double.mexw64 (8.00 kB)
- functions_nonrigid
movepixels_2d_double.mexw64 (17.00 kB)
distanceClassify.m (2.33 kB)
distanceInterp.m (458 bytes)
doesCross.m (790 bytes)
eigenSegmentation.m (1.34 kB)
eigenSegmentation3d.m (1.02 kB)
findCentroids.m (715 bytes)
- flann
CMakeLists.txt (2.94 kB)
hessianEig.m (3.43 kB)
hessianMatrix.m (795 bytes)
image_resize.m (1.29 kB)
imagescwithnan.m (862 bytes)
imcrop3d.m (367 bytes)
inpaint_nans.m (16.15 kB)
makeAffine3d.m (960 bytes)
makeHyperStack.m (768 bytes)
makeTPStform.m (1.57 kB)
- nonrigid_version23
compile_c_files.m (845 bytes)
- functions
MakeDiffeomorphic.m (2.11 kB)
backwards2forwards.m (1.60 kB)
backwards2forwards_2d_double.c (4.72 kB)
backwards2forwards_2d_double.m (1.99 kB)
backwards2forwards_2d_double.mexw64 (9.50 kB)
backwards2forwards_3d_double.c (7.27 kB)
backwards2forwards_3d_double.mexw64 (10.00 kB)
backwards2forwards_3d_single.c (7.40 kB)
backwards2forwards_3d_single.mexw64 (10.00 kB)
fminlbfgs.m (31.53 kB)
image_difference.m (12.83 kB)
imgaussian.c (21.97 kB)
imgaussian.m (2.36 kB)
imgaussian.mexw64 (25.00 kB)
imresize3d.m (1.21 kB)
inversegrid.m (1.29 kB)
make_grid_image.m (1.58 kB)
make_init_grid.m (2.28 kB) (145.72 kB) (251.97 kB)
maxNumCompThreads.c (789 bytes)
maxNumCompThreads.m (349 bytes)
maxNumCompThreads.mexw64 (7.00 kB)
mutual_histogram_double.c (3.52 kB)
mutual_histogram_double.m (1.53 kB)
mutual_histogram_double.mexw64 (8.00 kB)
mutual_histogram_single.c (3.48 kB)
mutual_histogram_single.mexw64 (8.00 kB)
penalties_smoothness.m (5.63 kB)
refine_grid.m (4.70 kB)
showcs3.fig (4.82 kB)
showcs3.m (7.64 kB)
squared_difference_double.c (1.20 kB)
squared_difference_double.m (119 bytes)
squared_difference_double.mexw64 (7.00 kB)
squared_difference_single.c (1.20 kB)
squared_difference_single.mexw64 (7.00 kB)
strain.m (2.21 kB)
- functions_affine
affine_error_3d_double.c (12.82 kB)
affine_error_3d_double.mexw64 (18.00 kB)
affine_error_3d_single.c (12.77 kB)
affine_error_3d_single.mexw64 (17.50 kB)
affine_parameter_scaling.m (2.47 kB)
affine_registration_error.m (12.21 kB)
affine_registration_image.m (2.21 kB)
affine_transform.m (1.06 kB)
affine_transform_2d_double.c (9.84 kB)
affine_transform_2d_double.m (2.27 kB)
affine_transform_2d_double.mexw64 (17.50 kB)
affine_transform_3d_double.c (6.66 kB)
affine_transform_3d_double.mexw64 (15.00 kB)
affine_transform_3d_single.c (6.70 kB)
affine_transform_3d_single.mexw64 (14.50 kB)
image_interpolation.c (51.48 kB)
image_interpolation.h (3.27 kB)
make_transformation_matrix.m (2.59 kB)
multiple_os_thread.h (653 bytes)
- functions_nonrigid
bspline_coefficients.m (2.89 kB)
bspline_error_2d_double.c (27.73 kB)
bspline_error_2d_double.mexw64 (29.00 kB)
bspline_error_3d_double.c (20.23 kB)
bspline_error_3d_double.mexw64 (24.00 kB)
bspline_error_3d_single.c (20.30 kB)
bspline_error_3d_single.mexw64 (23.50 kB)
bspline_grid_fitting.m (4.04 kB)
bspline_registration_gradient.m (26.25 kB)
bspline_registration_image.m (1.85 kB)
bspline_trans_points_double.m (7.34 kB)
bspline_transform.m (2.54 kB)
bspline_transform_2d_double.c (14.67 kB)
bspline_transform_2d_double.m (1.99 kB)
bspline_transform_2d_double.mexw64 (20.50 kB)
bspline_transform_3d_double.c (11.93 kB)
bspline_transform_3d_double.mexw64 (18.00 kB)
bspline_transform_3d_single.c (11.93 kB)
bspline_transform_3d_single.mexw64 (17.50 kB)
image_interpolation.c (51.48 kB)
image_interpolation.h (3.39 kB)
image_interpolation.m (7.75 kB)
jacobiandet_cost_gradient.m (1.67 kB)
jacobiandet_error_2d_double.c (17.96 kB)
jacobiandet_error_2d_double.m (3.34 kB)
jacobiandet_error_2d_double.mexw64 (17.50 kB)
jacobiandet_error_3d_double.c (25.74 kB)
jacobiandet_error_3d_double.mexw64 (23.00 kB)
jacobiandet_transform_2d_double.c (8.56 kB)
jacobiandet_transform_2d_double.m (672 bytes)
jacobiandet_transform_2d_double.mexw64 (12.00 kB)
jacobiandet_transform_3d_double.c (11.24 kB)
jacobiandet_transform_3d_double.mexw64 (13.00 kB)
movepixels.m (1.63 kB)
movepixels_2d_double.c (7.40 kB)
movepixels_2d_double.m (1.33 kB)
movepixels_2d_double.mexw64 (17.00 kB)
movepixels_3d_double.c (5.36 kB)
movepixels_3d_double.mexw64 (14.50 kB)
movepixels_3d_single.c (5.45 kB)
movepixels_3d_single.mexw64 (14.50 kB)
multiple_os_thread.h (653 bytes)
image_registration.m (27.79 kB)
- images
Thumbs.db (13.00 kB)
brain1.png (66.48 kB)
brain2.png (66.30 kB)
brain3.png (64.33 kB)
landmarks1.png (899 bytes)
landmarks2.png (776 bytes)
lena.jpg (10.50 kB)
lenag1.png (33.87 kB)
lenag2.png (35.34 kB)
lenag3.png (40.49 kB)
lenag4.png (49.45 kB)
prostate1.png (38.71 kB)
prostate2.png (43.43 kB)
star1.png (72.32 kB)
star2.png (62.03 kB)
license.txt (1.28 kB)
- low_level_examples
addpaths.m (346 bytes)
example_2d_affine.m (1.26 kB)
example_2d_nonrigid_1.m (1.94 kB)
example_2d_nonrigid_2.m (2.15 kB)
example_2d_nonrigid_3.m (1.62 kB)
example_3d_affine.m (1.54 kB)
example_3d_nonrigid.m (2.08 kB)
get_example_data.m (1.40 kB)
manually_warp_images.fig (11.02 kB)
manually_warp_images.m (20.40 kB)
point_registration.m (7.62 kB)
normalizeRange.m (378 bytes)
oneHotNeuron.m (1.18 kB)
parfor_progress.m (2.47 kB)
parfor_progress_test.m (128 bytes)
parsave.m (189 bytes)
parsavestruct.m (321 bytes)
pdistCell.m (1022 bytes)
pedistalSubtract.m (2.02 kB)
pkRefnd.m (1.67 kB)
pkfnd.m (3.88 kB)
plotMatch.m (765 bytes)
plotMatch2.m (311 bytes)
- pmkmp
L_ plot_for_CubicL_colormap.png (8.13 kB)
L_a_b_PlotsCubicL.png (9.38 kB)
L_plot_for_jet_colormap.png (7.02 kB)
L_plot_for_spectrum_colormap.png (6.97 kB)
L_profile_basic_rainbow.png (9.39 kB)
L_profile_sawtooth_rainbow.png (10.59 kB)
Pyramid_basic_rainbow.png (99.97 kB)
Pyramid_sawtooth_rainbow.png (255.59 kB)
Rainbow Color Map -Still- Considered Harmful.pdf (710.52 kB)
Thumbs.db (11.00 kB)
example2.m (2.94 kB)
example2_fig1.png (135.12 kB)
example2_fig2.png (121.99 kB)
example2_fig3.png (134.95 kB)
examples.m (2.25 kB)
examples1.m (3.17 kB)
examples1.png (53.34 kB)
pmkmp.m (23.77 kB)
simulations color vision deficieny.png (2.75 MB)
spectrum vs cubicYF.png (1.76 MB)
popupmessage.m (2.53 kB)
powerSpectrum.m (490 bytes)
progressbar.m (17.15 kB)
randsamplechunks.m (453 bytes)
rdfCalc.m (18.66 kB)
rectCrop.m (553 bytes)
regionPCA.m (1.08 kB)
regionSplit.m (4.85 kB)
scatter3sph.m (3.19 kB)
smooth2a.m (2.53 kB)
stack2array.m (799 bytes)
stackLoad.m (1.38 kB)
sub2ind_nocheck.m (2.47 kB)
- subtightplot
subtightplot.m (3.03 kB)
subtightplot_demo.m (1.71 kB)
subtightplot_demo.png (54.57 kB)
subtightplot_demo.ppt (174.00 kB)
- thin_plate_splines
tps_compute_kernel.m (791 bytes)
tps_compute_param.m (486 bytes)
tps_set_ctrl_pts.m (465 bytes)
tps_set_landmarks.m (521 bytes)
tps_test_script.m (823 bytes)
tps_warp.m (460 bytes)
tiffwrite.m (3.75 kB)
- tpsWarp
- data
0505_02.jpg (108.02 kB)
MOV03798.MPG (1.99 MB)
- doc
readme.pdf (309.42 kB)
idwMvInterp.m (1.76 kB)
interp2d.m (2.15 kB)
nearestInterp.m (1.37 kB)
tpswarp.m (3.81 kB)
tpswarp3.m (5.32 kB)
tpswarp3points.m (3.92 kB)
tpswarp3points_inverse.m (4.02 kB)
- tst
interpTimeDemo.m (6.91 kB)
tpsWarpDemo.m (2.30 kB)
tsp_ga.m (6.16 kB)
uipickfiles.m (47.20 kB)
watershedFilter.m (365 bytes)
xaxescenter.m (10.06 kB)
xyCentSize.m (1.45 kB)
xyzConvHull.m (652 bytes)
zProjectDatFile.m (1.30 kB)
- PointMatchGMMREG_jn
DisplayPoints.m (896 bytes)
DisplayPoints2D.m (1.01 kB)
DisplayPoints3D.m (3.17 kB)
JeffHelperCode.m (20.94 kB)
JeffHelperCodeDebug.m (3.48 kB)
MochiHelperCode.m (20.94 kB)
MochiHelperCodeDebug.m (3.60 kB)
README.txt (1008 bytes)
TPS_KC lambda optimization fail (232 bytes)
absor.m (6.70 kB)
algorithm compare.xlsx (9.24 kB)
best scores by scene.txt (4.18 kB)
ctrl_pts.txt (3.17 kB)
determine_border.m (646 bytes)
final_affine.txt (28 bytes)
final_params.txt (3.21 kB)
final_rigid.txt (71 bytes)
final_tps.txt (4.15 kB)
gaussOverlap.m (2.55 kB)
gaussOverlapDouble.m (2.99 kB)
gaussOverlapSelf.m (2.48 kB)
gmmreg_L2_multilevel.m (961 bytes)
gmmreg_L2_multilevel_jn.m (1.25 kB)
gmmreg_demo.exe (158.00 kB)
gmmreg_demo.m (1.17 kB)
ml_GetPrivateProfileString.m (2.54 kB)
odr2.ini (4.18 kB)
odr2_static.ini (4.18 kB)
odr2_template.ini (4.20 kB)
panneuronal.ini (4.18 kB)
panneuronal_template.ini (4.20 kB)
rigid_transform.m (618 bytes)
run_gmmreg.m (847 bytes)
score_match.m (6.29 kB)
- sourcecode
- C++
CMakeLists.txt (4.62 kB)
class_diagram.jpg (46.48 kB)
config_example.ini (4.17 kB)
extract_correspondence.cpp (2.10 kB) (5.02 kB)
gmmreg_api.cpp (3.58 kB)
gmmreg_api.h (224 bytes)
gmmreg_aux.cpp (3.58 kB)
gmmreg_base.cpp (4.92 kB)
gmmreg_base.h (1.90 kB)
gmmreg_cpd.cpp (6.65 kB)
gmmreg_cpd.h (1.48 kB)
gmmreg_demo.cpp (260 bytes)
gmmreg_grbf.cpp (3.88 kB)
gmmreg_grbf.h (1.43 kB)
gmmreg_grbf_func.cpp (1.35 kB)
gmmreg_grbf_func.h (1.66 kB)
gmmreg_mex.cpp (1.38 kB)
gmmreg_rigid.cpp (4.55 kB)
gmmreg_rigid.h (1.07 kB)
gmmreg_rigid_func.cpp (2.82 kB)
gmmreg_rigid_func.h (974 bytes)
gmmreg_tps.cpp (6.64 kB)
gmmreg_tps.h (1.43 kB)
gmmreg_tps_func.cpp (1.40 kB)
gmmreg_tps_func.h (1.83 kB)
gmmreg_transform.cpp (3.52 kB)
gmmreg_utils.cpp (14.25 kB)
gmmreg_utils.h (3.40 kB)
port_ini.c (8.10 kB)
port_ini.h (2.39 kB)
pygmmreg.cpp (768 bytes)
readme.txt (928 bytes) (1.16 kB)
test_gauss_transform.cpp (1.30 kB)
LICENSE (34.32 kB)
- GaussTransform
GaussTransform.c (1.40 kB)
GaussTransform.m (1021 bytes)
memory_layout_note.h (423 bytes)
mex_GaussTransform.c (1.99 kB)
mex_GaussTransform.mexw64 (9.00 kB)
- auxilliary
DisplayPoints.m (708 bytes)
DisplayPoints2D.m (1.06 kB)
DisplayPoints3D.m (1.14 kB)
determine_border.m (646 bytes)
estimate_scale.m (523 bytes)
ml_GetPrivateProfileString.m (2.54 kB)
set_bounds.m (1.75 kB)
set_ctrl_pts.m (1.12 kB)
gmmreg_L2.m (4.59 kB)
gmmreg_L2_jn.m (6.22 kB)
gmmreg_demo.m (1.13 kB)
initialize_config.m (1.68 kB)
readme.txt (1.56 kB)
- registration
compute_kernel.m (1.48 kB)
gmmreg_L2_costfunc.m (2.01 kB)
gmmreg_L2_tps_costfunc.m (4.77 kB)
gmmreg_L2_tps_costfunc_jn.m (3.44 kB)
quaternion2rotation.m (2.76 kB)
tps_compute_kernel.m (789 bytes)
transform_by_affine2d.m (744 bytes)
transform_by_affine3d.m (801 bytes)
transform_by_rigid2d.m (1.02 kB)
transform_by_rigid3d.m (779 bytes)
transform_by_tps.m (1.20 kB)
transform_pointset.m (1.25 kB)
- Python (409 bytes) (9.46 kB) (1.18 kB) (2.44 kB)
- c_extension
CMakeLists.txt (1.66 kB)
DistanceMatrix.c (1.49 kB)
GaussTransform.c (1.40 kB)
cvgmi_API.h (445 bytes)
memory_layout_note.h (423 bytes)
py_extension.c (5.46 kB)
readme.txt (5.16 kB) (1.48 kB)
README.txt (3.53 kB)
citations.txt (12.38 kB)
- data
face.ini (4.23 kB)
- face_data
face_X.txt (18.76 kB)
face_Y.txt (18.76 kB)
face_ctrl_pts.txt (5.98 kB)
- fish_data
fish_X.txt (3.16 kB)
fish_X_nohead.txt (2.51 kB)
fish_Y.txt (3.16 kB)
fish_Y_notail.txt (2.55 kB)
fish_ctrl_pts.txt (825 bytes)
fish_full.ini (4.25 kB)
fish_full_test.ini (4.36 kB)
fish_partial.ini (4.28 kB)
- output
transformed_model.txt (361 bytes)
gmmreg.png (174.98 kB)
gmmreg_bib.txt (653 bytes)
track.m (40.62 kB)
transformed_model.txt (361 bytes)
- PythonSubmissionScripts (7.03 kB) (907 bytes) (893 bytes) (932 bytes) (930 bytes) (810 bytes) (832 bytes) (900 bytes) (947 bytes) (899 bytes)
shae_wormAnalysis.path (722 bytes) (18.69 kB) (5.51 kB) (8.77 kB) (4.34 kB) (2.62 kB)
README.txt (13.03 kB)
- TimeAlignment
AviFlashAlign.m (2.34 kB)
YamlFlashAlign.m (3.88 kB)
datTimeTrace.m (1.60 kB)
dataTimeAlignment.m (493 bytes)
findDatFlash.m (2.05 kB)
findFlash.m (5.19 kB)
flashTimeAlign2.m (1.24 kB)
highResTimeTraceAnalysisTriangle4.m (4.43 kB)
makeMatFileFromYaml.m (285 bytes)
tripleFlashAlign.m (3.78 kB)
- TrackingCodes
compileTrackMatrix.m (1.79 kB)
track.m (41.95 kB)
trackJN.m (43.67 kB)
trackMovie2D.m (1.88 kB)
- WormSegmentation
WormSegmentHessian3dStraighten.m (5.09 kB)
- WormStraighteningCode
WormCLStraighten_11.m (33.77 kB)
WormCurveCoordinates.m (1.34 kB)
wormCenterlineLoad.m (1.81 kB)
classifyPS.m (1.93 kB)
clusterBotCheckCompiler.m (18.30 kB)
clusterBotChecker.m (5.56 kB)
clusterCL_start.m (7.68 kB)
clusterStraightenStart.m (3.11 kB)
clusterWormCenterline.m (10.23 kB)
clusterWormStraightening.m (1.81 kB)
clusterWormTrackCompiler.m (11.42 kB)
clusterWormTracker.m (1.95 kB)
combinePointStatsFiles.m (2.34 kB)
compareWithRef.m (3.95 kB)
compileBotChecker.m (14.40 kB)
compileCenterlines.m (4.90 kB)
eigenWorms.mat (4.74 kB)
eigenWorms_full.mat (76.54 kB)
fiducialCropper3.m (17.41 kB)
heatMapGeneration.m (6.41 kB)
initializeCLWorkspace.m (6.25 kB)
makePointStatsRef.m (1.10 kB)
multipleAVIFlash.m (859 bytes)
sparseTransitionCorr.m (2.01 kB)
- wholebrainTutorials
wholeBrainTutorial_HiMagImages.m (7.93 kB)
wholeBrainTutorial_LowMagImages_and_Centerlines.m (6.01 kB)
wholeBrainTutorial_NeuralSignal.m (6.23 kB)
wholeBrainTutorial_classification.m (2.88 kB)
wholeBrainTutorial_pointstats.m (5.95 kB)
- worm1
20150616_1002_NLS_GC6_fluor_worm1.avi (507.61 MB)
20150616_1002_NLS_GC6_fluor_worm1.yaml (10.97 MB)
20150616_1002_NLS_GC6_fluor_worm1YAML.mat (15.68 MB)
20150616_1002_NLS_GC6_fluor_worm1_HUDS.avi (138.99 MB)
20150616_1002_NLS_GC6_fluor_worm1flashTrack.mat (168.34 kB)
20150616_1003_NLS_GC6_behav_worm1.avi (1.03 GB)
20150616_1003_NLS_GC6_behav_worm1.yaml (7.66 MB)
20150616_1003_NLS_GC6_behav_worm1YAML.mat (10.95 MB)
20150616_1003_NLS_GC6_behav_worm1_HUDS.avi (191.92 MB)
20150616_1003_NLS_GC6_behav_worm1flashTrack.mat (131.27 kB)
CameraFrameData.txt (1.43 MB)
LabJackData.txt (20.47 MB)
alignments.mat (598.80 kB)
hiResData.mat (1.66 MB)
manualSummary.mat (3.02 MB)
- outputFiles
.DS_Store (8.00 kB)
._.DS_Store (4.00 kB)
- BehaviorAnalysis
centerline.mat (37.51 MB)
- BotfFiducialPoints
botFiducials.mat (2.33 MB)
timeOffset.mat (185 bytes)
- CLstraight
ERROR01524.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01525.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01526.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01527.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01528.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01529.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01530.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01531.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01532.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01533.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01534.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01535.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01536.mat (1002 bytes)
ERROR01537.mat (929 bytes)
ERROR01538.mat (929 bytes)
ERROR01539.mat (929 bytes)
ERROR01540.mat (929 bytes)
image00001.tif (32.91 MB)
image00002.tif (32.91 MB)
image00003.tif (32.91 MB)
image00004.tif (32.91 MB)
image00005.tif (32.91 MB)
image00006.tif (32.91 MB)
image00007.tif (32.91 MB)
image00008.tif (32.91 MB)
image00009.tif (32.91 MB)
image00010.tif (32.91 MB)
image00011.tif (32.91 MB)
image00012.tif (32.91 MB)
image00013.tif (32.91 MB)
image00014.tif (32.91 MB)
image00015.tif (32.91 MB)
image00016.tif (32.91 MB)
image00017.tif (32.91 MB)
image00018.tif (32.91 MB)
image00019.tif (32.91 MB)
image00020.tif (32.91 MB)
image00021.tif (32.91 MB)
image00022.tif (32.91 MB)
image00023.tif (32.91 MB)
image00024.tif (32.91 MB)
image00025.tif (32.91 MB)
image00026.tif (32.91 MB)
image00027.tif (32.91 MB)
image00028.tif (32.91 MB)
image00029.tif (32.91 MB)
image00030.tif (32.91 MB)
image00031.tif (32.91 MB)
image00032.tif (32.91 MB)
image00033.tif (32.91 MB)
image00034.tif (32.91 MB)
image00035.tif (32.91 MB)
image00036.tif (32.91 MB)
image00037.tif (32.91 MB)
image00038.tif (32.91 MB)
image00039.tif (32.91 MB)
image00040.tif (32.91 MB)
image00041.tif (32.91 MB)
image00042.tif (32.91 MB)
image00043.tif (32.91 MB)
image00044.tif (32.91 MB)
image00045.tif (32.91 MB)
image00046.tif (32.91 MB)
image00047.tif (32.91 MB)
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