Municipal Socio-economic Data (South Africa 2011)

Citation Author(s):
Submitted by:
Mart Beck
Last updated:
Mon, 03/16/2020 - 09:28
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Socio-economic, demogaphic and protest data of South Africa's 345 Local Municipalties.





Muni - - Name of South African municipality in 2011


Change in Population - - % change in population between 2001 and 2011


% Unemployed  - - Level of unemployment using official definition (2011)


% Poor - - Poverty percentage at household level (2011)


Voter Turnout - -% of eligible voters voting in the 2009 National elections (2011)


Mean Age - - Average age of people living in municipality (2011)


Small Households - - Percentage of households with 1 or 2 people (2011)


Large Households - - Percentage of households with 4 or more people (2011)


Percentage Youth - - Percentage of population between 16 and 35 (inclusive) (2011)


Dep Ratio - - Non working population (by ages, not by employment status) as percentage of total population. Here, "non working" = below 18 or over 60. (2011)


% White - - Percentage of population self-identifying as white (2011)


% HWW  - - Percentage of households without (reticulated/municipally piped) water (2011)


R-P Ratio - - Ratio of richest people to poorest people  (2011)


Gini - - Municipal Gini coefficient (2011)


% PWM - - Percentage of population with a "Matric" (Grade 12) certificate (2011)


% NSL - - Percentage of the population self-reporting their home language to be other than one of South Africa's 11 National Languages  (2011)


% Tribal - - Percentage of households living in areas classified as "tribal" by official "geographic type"  (2011)


% Male - - Percentage of the population that self-identifies as male (2011)


% Informal - - Percentage of households that are classified as informal (structure types) (2011)


% Rural - - Percentage of households that are classified as rural (2011)


Urban =1 - - One-hot/dummy variable - 1 = municipality is classfied as either "Metropolitan" or "Secondary City" (2011)


Urban - - Municipal classification


COGTA Score - - 4-level score of municipal efficiency (running good to bad) (2011)


Percentage_Poor - - Individual level poverty (best avoided)


AG Rating - - 5-level score of municipal governance by the South African Auditor-General (running good to bad) (2011)


Prov - - 9 provinces, numeric


Prov2 - - 9 provinces, names


Pop - - municipal population (2011)


Target 1 - -  Count of protests 1997-2013


TargetLog - - Log10 of Target1


TagetNatLog - - LogE of Target1


X Values - - Safely ignore


Y Values - - Safely Ignore


Target 2 - - Number of protests per capita (2009-2013)


2NatLog - - LogE of Target 2


NatLog7 - - LogE of count of protests*crowd-size of protests / capita (2009-2013)


Target10 - -  Turmoil of protests (0 - 1, where 1 = 100% violent) (2009-2013)


13NatLog - - LogE of count of protests*crowd-size of protests / capita (2009-2013) only considering community protests


15NatLog - - LogE of count of protests*crowd-size of protests / capita (2009-2013) only considering Labour-related protests


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