Open Access
2171 publications from WoS
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- yanhu bai
- Last updated:
- Sun, 01/24/2021 - 08:11
- DOI:
- 10.21227/r4ng-3k16
- License:
- Categories:
1. We selected the database for documentary analysis(Web of Science Core Collection).2. We set up a basic search ("BLOCKCHAIN" OR"BLOCK CHAINS" OR "BLOCK-CHAIN" OR "BLOCKCHAINS" OR "CHAIN OF BLOCKS" [TITLE]. All keywords were enclosed in quotation marks to ensure that they are not split during the retrieval process, except for "BLOCKCHAIN").3. We determined the relevant timespan (“2008” TO “2020” in the categories of “Custom year range”).4. We chose the relevant Citation Indexes (“SCI-EXPANDED” and “SSCI” and “A&HCI”).A total of 2573 publications were retrieved. To optimize the search results, we incorporated new search criteria: we limited the file type to "ARTICLE" and the language to "ENGLISH". After the second search, we obtained 2179 publications. Then, we de-duplicated the retrieved documents, deleted irrelevant documents, and finally obtained 2171 publications, used to analyze the blockchain’s scientific evolution.
A total of 2171 publications were retrieved. Each publication includes information such as title, author, abstract, publication time, number of citations, and references.
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