Open Access
PSP Student Assignment Data

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- William Nichols
- Last updated:
- Fri, 10/25/2019 - 10:58
- DOI:
- 10.21227/a5vb-cf02
- Data Format:
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This data set includes records of the student data, data descriptions, student demographic survey, class size from students to participated in the 10 program Personal Software Process course.
This version of the course was delivered between 1995 and 2006.
The data was collected by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) from classes taught by SEI staff and class data submitted by authorized instructors.
In this two course sequence (PSP for Engineers I & II), students learn a process-based approach to developing software, including how to measure and analyze personal software process (PSP), how to use process data to improve personal performance, and how to apply these methods to other structured tasks.All Students complete the same 10 assignments in the same order. They record data on estimated and actual effort, program size, and defects found during the development.The activities include Plan, Design, Design Review, Code, Code Review, Test, and Post mortem. The context of for the data is provided in the related links to the course, course exercises, and the PSP Body of Knowledge.
PSP_MarkingsSoftware Institute Markings designation Authors William R. Nichols, Jr James W. Over James D. McHale Dan Burton Watts Humphrey
All data is in table form and stored as comma separated values. If redistributing, please keep all tabs, including the Markings.
Before using any of this data, it is necessary to be familiar with the PSP frameworks described in "Discipline for Software Engineering" by Watts Humphrey
The programming exercises are provided in the link to Personal Software Process (PSP) for Engineers Version 3.2.1 Course Materials Additional resourses are also provided in the links. We recommend contacting the first author for review if you wish to use the data for research.
descriptionnotesPSP_DescriptionsList of data records in each tab along with brief description PSP_Student_Assgt_Data_38340Student data records by assignmentnot all students completed all assignments, all students were provided the same assignment packages with the exceptin that instructions for assignment 10 vaied between PSP 2.1 and PSP 3.0PSP_Student_Survey PSP_ClassesData and size of PSP class
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