Standard Dataset
Smart data set for sustainability
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Minxi Feng
- Last updated:
- Tue, 03/19/2024 - 07:02
- DOI:
- 10.21227/g91z-hz32
- Data Format:
- Research Article Link:
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The goal of the Smart* project is to optimize home energy consumption. Available here is a wide variety of data collected from three real homes, including electrical (usage and generation), environmental (e.g., temperature and humidity), and operational (e.g., wall switch events). Also available is minute-level electricity usage data from 400+ anonymous homes. Please see the Smart* home page for general information about the project, or the Smart* Tools download page for software that was used in the collection of this data. The dataset used in our experiments captured the energy consumption of seven households in the United States at 15-minute intervals throughout 2016. The seven households separately equip a battery bank and have none renewable energy supply.
The dataset used in our experiments captured the energy consumption of seven households in the United States at 15-minute intervals throughout 2016. The seven households separately equip a battery bank and have none renewable energy supply.
Dataset Files
- HomeA-electrical.tar.gz (23.62 MB)
- HomeB-electrical.tar.gz (23.92 MB)
- HomeC-electrical.tar.gz (27.88 MB)
- HomeD-electrical.tar.gz (64.91 MB)
- HomeF-electrical.tar.gz (46.97 MB)
- HomeG-electrical.tar.gz (41.74 MB)
- HomeH-electrical.tar.gz (8.85 MB)