Wearable device

The popularity of wearable physiological recording devices has opened up new possibilities for the assessment of personality traits in everyday life. Compared with traditional questionnaires or laboratory assessments, wearable device-based measurements can collect rich data about individual physiological activities in real-life situations without interfering with normal life, enabling a more comprehensive description of individual differences. The present study aimed to explore the assessment of individuals’ Big-Five personality traits by physiological signals in daily life situations.
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The popularity of wearable physiological recording devices has opened up new possibilities for the assessment of personality traits in everyday life. Compared with traditional questionnaires or laboratory assessments, wearable device-based measurements can collect rich data about individual physiological activities in real-life situations without interfering with normal life, enabling a more comprehensive description of individual differences. The present study aimed to explore the assessment of individuals’ Big-Five personality traits by physiological signals in daily life situations.
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