The pressure sensors are represented by black circles, which are located in the three zones of each foot. For the left foot: S1 and S2 cover the forefoot area. S3, S4, and S5 the midfoot area. S6 and S7 the rearfoot or heel area. Similarly, for the right foot: S8 and S9 represent the forefoot area. S10, S11, S12 the midfoot area. S13 and S14 the heel area. The values of each sensor are read by the analog inputs of an Arduino mega 2560.
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Pressure position sensors and actuators are represented by red large and blue circles on the seating, respectively. Black circles display ultrasound sensors in the backrest, yellow arrows show output peripheral, and red arrows indicate peripheral input into the analog-digital converter.
S1= Preasure sensor, value 0-1023 decimal
S2= Preasure sensor, value 0-1023 decimal
S3= Preasure sensor, value 0-1023 decimal
S4= Ultrasonic sensor, value 0-15 cm
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