DC microgrid

A new three-phase dual-rotor middle-stator brushless flux switching generator (FSG) for 400 Hz diesel-driven aircraft ground power units. For the proposed machine, both field and armature windings are hosted in the stator in such a way that not only fulfils brushless structure, but also realizes the flux switching function. Moreover, both windings have non-overlapping concentrated windings to shorten the end-windings and reduce the copper losses. In the meantime, the rotor has only slots without any active parts.


An optimization model with heuristic algorithm is implemented to optimize the virtual resistances of droop control for the grid-connected converters of dispatchable units, such that the power flow can be regulated. The performances of the proposed strategy are evaluated by the case studies of a 12-bus 380 V DC microogrid using matlab and a 32-bus 380 V DC microgrid using a real-time digital simulator.
