WiFi Frame Anonymization Dataset

Citation Author(s):
Rosario Giuseppe
University of Pisa
University of Pisa
Submitted by:
Rosario Garroppo
Last updated:
Thu, 01/09/2025 - 11:27
Data Format:
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Recently, the Wi-Fi community has focused on improving privacy measures, beginning with the introduction of Randomized and Changing MAC addresses (RCM) to mitigate privacy concerns during Pre-Association Discovery (PAD) mechanisms. A significant advancement has been the establishment of the IEEE 802.11bi Task Group (TG), known as Enhanced Data Privacy (EDP), which targets various aspects of privacy. Current EDP efforts concentrate on developing frame anonymization techniques to mitigate the issue of presence monitoring of associated STAs. This dataset has been used for the preliminary simulation study presented in

Rosario G. Garroppo, Giuseppe Pericone, Domenico Ficara, Jerome Henry

Enhancing Wi-Fi Privacy: A Focus on Frame Anonymization Techniques.

To appear in IEEE Communication Magazine




in R. G Garroppo, G. Pericone, G. Viaggi, D. Ficara, J. Henry, J. Zunifa, Analysis of Frame Anonymization Techniques, https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/24/11-24-1234-00-0wng-analysis-of-frame-anonymization-techniques.pptx  July 2024



The files contain the zipped version of the dataset used in the simulation study discussed in the paper

Rosario G. Garroppo, Giuseppe Pericone, Domenico Ficara, Jerome Henry

Enhancing Wi-Fi Privacy: A Focus on Frame Anonymization Techniques.

To appear in IEEE Communication Magazine


Each file contains the anonymized traffic acquired in the WiFi network in three scenarios: Library, Airport, and Cafeteria.

The dataset is a set of rows in CSV format. Each row contains the information available in the first two layers of the protocol stack. The first row of each file describes the set of the reported information.

The dataset needs to be processed to simulate the rotation mechanisms described in the paper.

The dataset has been collected by Giuseppe Pericone.