Training with a Visual-Haptic Simulator for Trocar Insertion - Data

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Submitted by:
Andres Hassun
Last updated:
Mon, 09/25/2023 - 22:15
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This dataset is used in conjunction with the manuscript submission entitled: “Training with a Visual-Haptic Simulator for Trocar Insertion,” which is submitted for consideration as a short paper in Transactions on Haptics for presentation with the 2024 Haptics Symposium Conference. Trocar insertions have the greatest risk of injuring a patient during laparoscopic surgery, with most of the injuries being attributed to surgeon error. However, surgeon error can be reduced through proper training. A previous study performed initial testing on a Stewart platform haptic device using a simplified numerical model to simulate key characteristics of a trocar insertion. Thus, in conjunction with the prevalence of laparoscopic surgery and promising preliminary results, the submission presents an iteration of a previous Stewart platform haptic device, utilizing higher fidelity linear actuators, increasing available workspace, and providing a visualization to work alongside the device. A study was performed with eight novices to investigate if the device and visualization train users in the trocar insertion procedure. By the end of the experiment, subjects lowered their error when utilizing the device by over 30% on average. Overall, the device shows potential in the training of trocar insertion, possibly leading to fewer complications and deaths following the procedure.