Standard Dataset
Results on VBD testset
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Yan Tongjia
- Last updated:
- Mon, 05/13/2024 - 09:25
- DOI:
- 10.21227/tg91-k697
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
This dataset is the result on Voicebank+Demand testset by our proposed model in paper "MDCTCRN: A Lightweight CRN For Monaural Speech Enhancement with Modified DCT" The overall averge PESQ on Voicebank + Demand is 3.14.
This dataset consists of two zip files, one zip file contains the samples with PESQ below 2.6 after noise reduction in the VBD test set, which can reflect the performance of the model in the case of low signal-to-noise ratio, and the other zip file contains all the samples in the VBD test set. All of the above samples are the result of inference from the highest performing model in the paper.
This dataset is a sample result of a test set for a paper submitted to IEEE signal processing letters,which only contains noisy audiofiles and enhanced audiofiles.
Dataset Files
- results_low_pesq.7z (44.97 MB)
- (233.99 MB)