Standard Dataset
Millimeter wave multibeam lens antenna dataset
- Citation Author(s):
- Vedaprabhu Basavarajappa, Alberto Pellon, Ignacio Montesinos-Ortego, Beatriz Bedia Exposito, Lorena Cabria and Jose Basterrechea
- Submitted by:
- Vedaprabhu Basa...
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:17
- DOI:
- 10.21227/1nav-jv97
- Data Format:
- Research Article Link:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
The dataset is a collection of the simulated and measured data acquired in the process of design, analysis and measurement of the millimeter wave multibeam waveguide lens antenna. A data matrix of the colected data is presented in .mat format with Matlab compatibility.
The data file is in three catagories:
1) Port to prot isolation: Import the "sim vs meas data" data file into Matlab and "plot_sim_vs-meas" to plot the data. A plotted image is provided for reference.
2) Radiation pattern:Import the "sim vs meas data" data file into Matlab and plot using the "patternplot___" code files.Plotted images are provided for reference.
3) Return loss: Import the "RL sim vs meas data" data file into Matlab and plot using "plot_sim_vs-meas" .Plotted images are provided for reference.