This dataset features a wide range of synthetic American Sign Language (ASL) digits, spanning numbers 0 through 9. These ASL sign representations were meticulously crafted using Unity software, resulting in dynamic 3-D scenes set against diverse backgrounds. To enhance the dataset's comprehensiveness, it includes contributions from three distinct subjects, adding a rich variety of ASL digit gestures. This diversity makes it a valuable resource for researchers interested in ASL digit recognition and gesture analysis.

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[1] Huu Phong Nguyen, "3-D Synthetic ASL Digits", IEEE Dataport, 2023. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Jan. 13, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/wcb2-5z38},
url = {},
author = {Huu Phong Nguyen },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {3-D Synthetic ASL Digits},
year = {2023} }
T1 - 3-D Synthetic ASL Digits
AU - Huu Phong Nguyen
PY - 2023
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/wcb2-5z38
ER -
Huu Phong Nguyen. (2023). 3-D Synthetic ASL Digits. IEEE Dataport.
Huu Phong Nguyen, 2023. 3-D Synthetic ASL Digits. Available at:
Huu Phong Nguyen. (2023). "3-D Synthetic ASL Digits." Web.
1. Huu Phong Nguyen. 3-D Synthetic ASL Digits [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2023. Available from :
Huu Phong Nguyen. "3-D Synthetic ASL Digits." doi: 10.21227/wcb2-5z38