600 sets of routes from different origin/destination pairs from London
This dataset contains 600 sets of routes from different origin/destination pairs. Each route has information about trip duration, route length, traffic, criminality, accidents, nature and tourist attractions nearby. The routes were calculated by HERE Maps, along with duration estimates, criminality and accidents were acquired from the UK Government open data website, and nature and tourist attractions were downloaded from OpenStreetMap.
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This dataset describes the daily mobility of buses in the urban area of Vannes (France) on a typical working day, and radio contacts between these buses, assuming different radio transmission ranges. IRISA / Université Bretagne Sud, DOI: https://doi.org/10.15783/qr0f-m304
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4G and 5G RAN monitoring data collected using the ElasticMon 5G monitoring framework over FlexRAN
last modified : 2019-08-28
nickname : elasticmon5G2019
institution : eurecom
release date : 2019-08-28
date/time of measurement start : 2019-12-11
date/time of measurement end : 2019-12-11
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This dataset contains seven connectivity traces that have been derived from the cambridge/haggle/imote traceset (v. 2009-05-29). These connectivity traces can be used for network simulations with the Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator, since they are in accordance with the syntax of the StandardEventsReader format. The Python scripts that generated these connectivity traces are also provided.
last modified : 2016-08-28
nickname : haggle
institution : University of Ioannina
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Real-time position data reported by buses, updated every minute, from the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The file is CSV, containing the date, time(24h format), bus ID, bus line, latitude, longitude and speed of more than 12,000 buses.
last modified : 2018-03-19
nickname : RioBuses
institution : coppe-ufrj
release date : 2018-03-19
date/time of measurement start : 2014-10-01
date/time of measurement end : 2014-10-31
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The BLEBeacon dataset is a collection of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) advertisement packets/traces generated from BLE beacons carried by people following their daily routine inside a university building for a whole month. A network of Raspberry Pi 3 (RPi)-based edge devices were deployed inside a multi-floor facility continuously gathering BLE advertisement packets and storing them in a cloud-based environment.
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