Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) has many promising features in studying materials including high spatial resolution and high mass accuracy of elements, molecules, and isotopes. Its ability to resolve isotopes is especially attractive in studying transmutation products of single crystal tungsten (SCW) post neutron irradiation. Tungsten is a contender of plasma facing materials (PFMs) due to its high thermal and radiological stability.
Analysis of bacterial biofilms is particularly challenging and important with diverse applications from systems biology to biotechnology. Among the variety of techniques that have been applied, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) has many promising features in studying the surface characteristics of biofilms. ToF-SIMS offers high spatial resolution and high mass accuracy, which permit surface sensitive analysis of biofilm components. Thus, ToF-SIMS provides a powerful solution to addressing the challenge of bacterial biofilm analysis.