Real-Life Diabetogenic (RLD) database is built for evaluating the cross-modal retrieval algorithm in real-life dietary environment, and it has 4500 multimodal pairs in total,where each images can be related to multiple texts and each text can be related to multiple images.

For more details, you can refer to our paper: P. Zhou, C. Bai, J. Xia and S. Chen, "CMRDF: A Real-Time Food Alerting System Based on Multimodal Data," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2996009.

Please cite the above paper if you use this database. 

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[1] Cong Bai, "Real-Life Diabetogenic Database", IEEE Dataport, 2020. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Jan. 17, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/h6zz-mn96},
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title = {Real-Life Diabetogenic Database},
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T1 - Real-Life Diabetogenic Database
AU - Cong Bai
PY - 2020
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/h6zz-mn96
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Cong Bai. (2020). Real-Life Diabetogenic Database. IEEE Dataport.
Cong Bai, 2020. Real-Life Diabetogenic Database. Available at:
Cong Bai. (2020). "Real-Life Diabetogenic Database." Web.
1. Cong Bai. Real-Life Diabetogenic Database [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2020. Available from :
Cong Bai. "Real-Life Diabetogenic Database." doi: 10.21227/h6zz-mn96