This dataset contains the results of the simulation runs of the experiments performed to evaluate and compare the proposed spatial model for situated multi-agent systems. The model was introduced in a paper entitled "BioMASS, a spatial model for situated multiagent systems that optimizes neighborhood search". In this paper we presented a new model to implement a spatially explicit environment that supports constant-time sensory (neighborhood search) and locomotion functions for situated multiagent systems.

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[1] Candelaria Elizabeth Sansores, Joel Antonio Trejo, "BioMASS Space Model Dataset Benchmark", IEEE Dataport, 2020. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Mar. 10, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/42xx-p468},
url = {},
author = {Candelaria Elizabeth Sansores; Joel Antonio Trejo },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {BioMASS Space Model Dataset Benchmark},
year = {2020} }
T1 - BioMASS Space Model Dataset Benchmark
AU - Candelaria Elizabeth Sansores; Joel Antonio Trejo
PY - 2020
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/42xx-p468
ER -
Candelaria Elizabeth Sansores, Joel Antonio Trejo. (2020). BioMASS Space Model Dataset Benchmark. IEEE Dataport.
Candelaria Elizabeth Sansores, Joel Antonio Trejo, 2020. BioMASS Space Model Dataset Benchmark. Available at:
Candelaria Elizabeth Sansores, Joel Antonio Trejo. (2020). "BioMASS Space Model Dataset Benchmark." Web.
1. Candelaria Elizabeth Sansores, Joel Antonio Trejo. BioMASS Space Model Dataset Benchmark [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2020. Available from :
Candelaria Elizabeth Sansores, Joel Antonio Trejo. "BioMASS Space Model Dataset Benchmark." doi: 10.21227/42xx-p468