Medium observation under jamming attacks in VANETs

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Tue, 09/12/2023 - 06:38
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Three synthetic and validated datasets correspond to three typical vehicular communication scenarios. Each subdataset comprises approximately 15000 to 28000 samples that are MAC observations in each CCHI of all vehicles in the network during the travel on the road segment of 2km. Each sample includes six most concerned features: number of successful received packets ls, number of failed transmission on the medium lc, number of error received packets le, number of packet transmitted by the given vehicle ltx, time step ti and estimated number of neighbor vehicles n. Besides, there is other information such as node id of the observing vehicles, system time, idle time computed in slot time according to the standard IEEE 802.11p, and monitoring of medium state.


1. static-validation scenario:

- static-validation-pa0: no attack

- static-validation-pa1: attack with probability = 1

All nodes are static. 

1 jammer(node 0) + 1 observation node (1) + 8 members = 10 nodes; They are all within the range of 50m (jammer at 250m) and fixed. Jamming prob = 0 and 1.

2. Platoon scenario:

- platoon-pa0: no attack

- platoon-pa1: attack with probability =1

Jammer is fixed, member nodes move with velocity of 30mps. Platoon of 1 observation + 8members (distance of 2 consecutive nodes in a platoon is about 5m)+ jammer (at 1000,0.0).  9 nodes move toward jammer. Jamming prob = 0 and 1.


3. Cluster scenario: 

- cluster-pa0

- cluster-pa1

Jammer is fixed, member nodes move with velocity of 30mps. Cluster of 1 observation + 18 member nodes (distance of 2 consecutive nodes in a cluster is about 5m, between clusters is 200m; members are distributed in 2 lanes and moving with different velocity with mean = 19; bound = 22 then velocity belongs to [16,22])+ jammer (at 300,0.0). 19 nodes move toward jammer. Jamming prob = 0 and 1. 

Funding Agency: 
Graduate University of Science and Technology (GUST), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
Grant Number: 


The dataset will be published soon.

Submitted by Huong NGUYEN on Thu, 09/15/2022 - 05:23