Time Series

Citation Author(s):
Juan Misael
Tecnologico de Monterrey
Submitted by:
Juan Misael Gon...
Last updated:
Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:59
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This dataset includes the time series for the simulations described in Table 2 and Table 3.


%%%                README                          %%%

1. Introduction

This file contains time series of the elevation angle obtained from simulations for the orbit configurations and Earth station locations described in Table 2, Table 3, and Fig. 7 of the article.

For organization convenience, all the time series files are organized within six folders according to their orbit altitudes (described in Table 2 of the paper).

Those files are provided to facilitate reproduction of our work and to facilitate future work based on our proposed methodology and results.

2. General description

2.1 Time series names
Each file is named with a nine character format, e.g., "100020ES1.csv". The first 4 characters indicate the orbit altitude, the following two characters indicate the orbit inclination, and the last characters after the "ES" abbreviation indicate the Earth Station number where the time series was observed. The relations between each Earth Station (ES) number and its latitude location is shown in Table 2 of the paper.

2.2 Total number of simulations included
The total number of included time series for each orbit altitude (1000km, 1200km, 1400km, 1600km, 1800km, 2000km)is graphically shown in Fig. 7 of the paper.  

2.3 Time series length
Elevation angle time series are provided for a simulation time of 40 days.

3. File format

Time series are provided using the .csv (comma separated values) file format to facilitate reading through diverse programming tools.

Each time series is provided as an individual .csv file with two rows. The first row contains the time vector and the second contains the corresponding elevation angle vector.  


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