AWS Simplifies Dataset Access, Analysis, and Management on IEEE DataPort
IEEE DataPort dataset files are stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), a widely used AWS storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. Every IEEE DataPort subscriber is given an AWS access key that they can use to access in AWS or upload datasets directly to AWS and begin to take advantage of the many benefits AWS S3 storage service has to offer on IEEE DataPort.
Accessing Datasets
IEEE DataPort subscribers can access any of the thousands of datasets on IEEE Dataset with their AWS access key. Users have the option to simply download the dataset files directly through their browser or programmatically access the files through the S3 protocol.
The S3 interface provides access to IEEE DataPort datasets from any machine or location and makes it easy to integrate these datasets into existing research and resources. Users can use command line tools and SDKs to quickly analyze datasets using their own software or transfer the data to a location of their choice, such as a server already set up for research analysis.
In addition, individuals can use additional AWS computing resources they subscribe to, such as Amazon Athena, AWS data pipeline, or AWS Glue for more advanced analysis.
Uploading Datasets
AWS S3 storage service provides the ability for users to bring their own assets into the mix so they can incorporate IEEE DataPort into their workflow, including the opportunity for automated uploading of data.
Once users have uploaded their metadata to IEEE DataPort through the dataset upload page, they can use their AWS key to upload dataset files directly to S3 without going to the IEEE DataPort website. This enables server-to-server uploads to quickly move datasets with a large number of files or large file size. Users also can program the S3 interface to automatically update the dataset at any desired frequency to ensure the dataset remains up to date on IEEE DataPort.
In addition, the S3 interface makes it easy to browse existing files and drag and drop dataset files in the file structure they are already in, simplifying the upload process.
Ready to get started? Subscribe to IEEE DataPort today to start exploring datasets, upload your own research data, and join our active global technical community.
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