ShanghaiTechRGBD is a large-scale RGB-D crowd counting dataset including 2,293 pairs of RGB-D images, which were annotated with the heads of 144,512 pedestrians. In addition, to facilitate the verification of the algorithm, the dataset is divided into training and testing sets, which contain 1,193 pairs of images and 1,000 pairs of images, respectively. This dataset is derived from the following paper: 1. Locating_and_Counting_Heads_in_Crowds_With_a_Depth_Prior. 2. Density map regression guided detection network for rgb-d crowd counting and localization. To use this dataset, please cite:D.
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DroneRGBT dataset consists of 3,600 pairs of RGB-T images, which have annotations for a total of 175,698 pedestrians that were captured by drones. This dataset is split into 1,800 pairs of images for training, and the rest are used for testing, thereby further improving the comprehensiveness of our experimental verification. This dataset is derived from the following paper:Rgb-t crowd counting from drone: A benchmark and mmccn network.To use the dataset, please cite: T. Peng, Q. Li, and P.
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