Blockchain technology is widely used in data asset transactions. Especially for the private data of the public, such data cannot be circulated to unauthorized receivers, it is necessary to ensure that the transaction records and data contents can be audited and traced. In this paper, based on bilinear mapping, we construct a triple receiver public key encryption scheme as a regulatable data asset transaction mechanism, and construct a blockchain data asset transaction platform, namely Digital Asset Exchange Protocol.

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[1] Liutao Zhao, "Test data for Regulatable Mechanism for Transacting Data Assets", IEEE Dataport, 2022. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Sep. 15, 2024.
doi = {10.21227/rxh5-5221},
url = {},
author = {Liutao Zhao },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {Test data for Regulatable Mechanism for Transacting Data Assets},
year = {2022} }
T1 - Test data for Regulatable Mechanism for Transacting Data Assets
AU - Liutao Zhao
PY - 2022
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/rxh5-5221
ER -
Liutao Zhao. (2022). Test data for Regulatable Mechanism for Transacting Data Assets. IEEE Dataport.
Liutao Zhao, 2022. Test data for Regulatable Mechanism for Transacting Data Assets. Available at:
Liutao Zhao. (2022). "Test data for Regulatable Mechanism for Transacting Data Assets." Web.
1. Liutao Zhao. Test data for Regulatable Mechanism for Transacting Data Assets [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2022. Available from :
Liutao Zhao. "Test data for Regulatable Mechanism for Transacting Data Assets." doi: 10.21227/rxh5-5221