A crucial requirement for effective human-AI teaming is the ability to form mutually compatible mental models that help humans discern when the AI can be relied upon and how to best complement each other. To understand the impact of having this mutual understanding, we conducted an experiment where participants (N=125), tasked as disaster relief planners, were assisted by an AI agent that recommends optimal allocation of a resource based on several information sources. The interaction effects of mental models between the human and the AI were studied.

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[1] Sarah Walsh, Ranjani Narayanan, Karen Feigh, "Role of SMMs in AI-advised Decision Support", IEEE Dataport, 2024. [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.21227/ryqk-5s27. Accessed: Jan. 13, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/ryqk-5s27},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.21227/ryqk-5s27},
author = {Sarah Walsh; Ranjani Narayanan; Karen Feigh },
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title = {Role of SMMs in AI-advised Decision Support},
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T1 - Role of SMMs in AI-advised Decision Support
AU - Sarah Walsh; Ranjani Narayanan; Karen Feigh
PY - 2024
PB - IEEE Dataport
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Sarah Walsh, Ranjani Narayanan, Karen Feigh. (2024). Role of SMMs in AI-advised Decision Support. IEEE Dataport. http://dx.doi.org/10.21227/ryqk-5s27
Sarah Walsh, Ranjani Narayanan, Karen Feigh, 2024. Role of SMMs in AI-advised Decision Support. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.21227/ryqk-5s27.
Sarah Walsh, Ranjani Narayanan, Karen Feigh. (2024). "Role of SMMs in AI-advised Decision Support." Web.
1. Sarah Walsh, Ranjani Narayanan, Karen Feigh. Role of SMMs in AI-advised Decision Support [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2024. Available from : http://dx.doi.org/10.21227/ryqk-5s27
Sarah Walsh, Ranjani Narayanan, Karen Feigh. "Role of SMMs in AI-advised Decision Support." doi: 10.21227/ryqk-5s27