Lucas Heublein, Felix Ott, Tobias Feigl, Thorsten Nowak, Alexander Rügamer

Jamming devices present a significant threat by disrupting signals from the global navigation satellite system (GNSS), compromising the robustness of accurate positioning. The detection of anomalies within frequency snapshots is crucial to counteract these interferences effectively. A critical preliminary measure involves the reliable classification of interferences and characterization and localization of jamming devices.

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[1] Lucas Heublein, Tobias Feigl, Thorsten Nowak, Alexander Rügamer, Felix Ott, "GNSS Interference Spectrum Controlled Low-Frequency", IEEE Dataport, 2024. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Feb. 10, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/4mmc-aq03},
url = {},
author = {Lucas Heublein; Tobias Feigl; Thorsten Nowak; Alexander Rügamer; Felix Ott },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {GNSS Interference Spectrum Controlled Low-Frequency},
year = {2024} }
T1 - GNSS Interference Spectrum Controlled Low-Frequency
AU - Lucas Heublein; Tobias Feigl; Thorsten Nowak; Alexander Rügamer; Felix Ott
PY - 2024
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/4mmc-aq03
ER -
Lucas Heublein, Tobias Feigl, Thorsten Nowak, Alexander Rügamer, Felix Ott. (2024). GNSS Interference Spectrum Controlled Low-Frequency. IEEE Dataport.
Lucas Heublein, Tobias Feigl, Thorsten Nowak, Alexander Rügamer, Felix Ott, 2024. GNSS Interference Spectrum Controlled Low-Frequency. Available at:
Lucas Heublein, Tobias Feigl, Thorsten Nowak, Alexander Rügamer, Felix Ott. (2024). "GNSS Interference Spectrum Controlled Low-Frequency." Web.
1. Lucas Heublein, Tobias Feigl, Thorsten Nowak, Alexander Rügamer, Felix Ott. GNSS Interference Spectrum Controlled Low-Frequency [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2024. Available from :
Lucas Heublein, Tobias Feigl, Thorsten Nowak, Alexander Rügamer, Felix Ott. "GNSS Interference Spectrum Controlled Low-Frequency." doi: 10.21227/4mmc-aq03