This dataset is for paper "A feature pyramid network based partition map prediction method for efficient encoding in Video-based Point Cloud Compress", and is what the authors use for training the FPN mentioned in the paper. The CU partitioning data in this dataset comes from V-PCC using VVC to make CU partition and extracting data for a sample based on 64×64 CU. Encoder configuration when extracting data as described in Section III-A of the paper, the point cloud source is the first 32 frames of basketball_player order by owlii, including the partitioning of 5 different QPs.

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[1] Que Shicheng, "FPNforV-PCC", IEEE Dataport, 2023. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Feb. 05, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/hb84-q682},
url = {},
author = {Que Shicheng },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {FPNforV-PCC},
year = {2023} }
T1 - FPNforV-PCC
AU - Que Shicheng
PY - 2023
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/hb84-q682
ER -
Que Shicheng. (2023). FPNforV-PCC. IEEE Dataport.
Que Shicheng, 2023. FPNforV-PCC. Available at:
Que Shicheng. (2023). "FPNforV-PCC." Web.
1. Que Shicheng. FPNforV-PCC [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2023. Available from :
Que Shicheng. "FPNforV-PCC." doi: 10.21227/hb84-q682