The target scene consists of a black card with six cocoa beans of three different fermentation levels (High, correct, and low fermentation), two beans for each class, whose false-color composite is shown in the provided Figure (a), ground-truth map is shown in Fig. (b), and Fig. (c) presents its representative spectral signatures. The spectral image was acquired by the AVT Stingray F-080B camera by acquiring one band each time from  350 - 950 nm. The acquired image has a spatial resolution of 1096x712 pixels and 300 spectral bands of 2 nm width.


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[1] Carlos Hinojosa, Karen Sanchez, Hans Garcia, Henry Arguello, "Cocoa beans spectral image with three fermentation levels", IEEE Dataport, 2019. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Jan. 13, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/esks-4b74},
url = {},
author = {Carlos Hinojosa; Karen Sanchez; Hans Garcia; Henry Arguello },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {Cocoa beans spectral image with three fermentation levels},
year = {2019} }
T1 - Cocoa beans spectral image with three fermentation levels
AU - Carlos Hinojosa; Karen Sanchez; Hans Garcia; Henry Arguello
PY - 2019
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/esks-4b74
ER -
Carlos Hinojosa, Karen Sanchez, Hans Garcia, Henry Arguello. (2019). Cocoa beans spectral image with three fermentation levels. IEEE Dataport.
Carlos Hinojosa, Karen Sanchez, Hans Garcia, Henry Arguello, 2019. Cocoa beans spectral image with three fermentation levels. Available at:
Carlos Hinojosa, Karen Sanchez, Hans Garcia, Henry Arguello. (2019). "Cocoa beans spectral image with three fermentation levels." Web.
1. Carlos Hinojosa, Karen Sanchez, Hans Garcia, Henry Arguello. Cocoa beans spectral image with three fermentation levels [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2019. Available from :
Carlos Hinojosa, Karen Sanchez, Hans Garcia, Henry Arguello. "Cocoa beans spectral image with three fermentation levels." doi: 10.21227/esks-4b74