This data set contains information on cardiopulmonary signals that were recorded simultaneously. The signals are separated into two folders, one titled heart sounds and the other lung sounds. In addition, two matlab programs are included, one with which the signals can be recorded and another to make graphs in time and frequency. It also has a pdf file that details the nomenclature of the signals.

This data set can be useful for various signal processing algorithms: filtering, PCA, LDA, ICA, CNN, etc.

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File Database.pdf247.13 KB
[1] Julio Alejandro Valdez, Pedro Mayorga, "Cardiopulmonary Sounds Database", IEEE Dataport, 2022. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Jan. 14, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/8jzz-3x76},
url = {},
author = {Julio Alejandro Valdez; Pedro Mayorga },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {Cardiopulmonary Sounds Database},
year = {2022} }
T1 - Cardiopulmonary Sounds Database
AU - Julio Alejandro Valdez; Pedro Mayorga
PY - 2022
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/8jzz-3x76
ER -
Julio Alejandro Valdez, Pedro Mayorga. (2022). Cardiopulmonary Sounds Database. IEEE Dataport.
Julio Alejandro Valdez, Pedro Mayorga, 2022. Cardiopulmonary Sounds Database. Available at:
Julio Alejandro Valdez, Pedro Mayorga. (2022). "Cardiopulmonary Sounds Database." Web.
1. Julio Alejandro Valdez, Pedro Mayorga. Cardiopulmonary Sounds Database [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2022. Available from :
Julio Alejandro Valdez, Pedro Mayorga. "Cardiopulmonary Sounds Database." doi: 10.21227/8jzz-3x76