The dataset contains a collection of V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) messages for classification, prioritization, and spam message detection. It comprises 1,000 messages with varying message types, content, priorities, and spam labels. The messages are sourced from different vehicles with specific destination vehicles or broadcast to all vehicles. They cover various message types, including traffic updates, emergency alerts, weather notifications, hazard warnings, roadwork information, and spam messages. The priority of the messages is categorized as either high, medium, or low.
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This dataset contain the pulse responses of the Sallen-Key bandpass filter circuit and the amplifier board circuit. The test excitation is a 10 us pulse signal with an amplitude of 5 V and a frequency of 5 kHZ that exhibits abundant frequency components. By observing the pulse response, the sampling frequency is set to 5 MHz and the number of sampling points for each sample is fixed at 1000 in Case 1. PSPICE is applied for circuit simulation to set up the circuit fault according to the range of fault component parameter values.
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Dataset for Identification of Saturated and Unsaturated WiFi Networks
The Dataset comprises the histogram of Inter-frame spacing for saturated and unsaturated WiFi networks.
In order to develop a CNN model that can classify saturated and unsaturated traffic in WiFi network, we prepared a large dataset that represents the traffic characteristics of both cases.
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Dataset for Identification of Saturated and Unsaturated WiFi Networks
The Dataset comprises the histogram of Inter-frame spacing for saturated and unsaturated WiFi networks.
In order to develop a CNN model that can classify saturated and unsaturated traffic in WiFi network, we prepared a large dataset that represents the traffic characteristics of both cases.
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Over speeding of vehicles is considered as one of the most important factors for occurring road accidents. An advanced sensor technology motivates the researchers to move towards automatic vehicles, whereas the speed decisions were taken based on the information collected from the sensor. Beyond its success, the expensiveness, and implementation failure in bad road conditions make it less practicable. In this work, a novel FeduLPM technique has been proposed for controlling the speed in customizable automotive variants using data analysis from the location of the accident.
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In the experiment, participants were asked to perform 16 predefined gesture-motion protocols as shown in Fig. Each participant performed 1 experiment in the order of Fig, performing each movement 2 times with a 1-minute break in between each set of movements. Since the measured sEMG signals were almost harmless to the subjects, they could stop the experiment at any time to prevent any discomfort.
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The historical dataset of the meteorological variables was recorded by the Mexican National Water Council (Comisión Nacional del Agua, CONAGUA) ground station located at the city of Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico; the following variables were found: temperature (T), vapor pressure (P), and relative humidity (H). The range dates of the records were from January 1, 2000 to September 30, 2018, where there is a daily record of temperatures with minimum, maximum, and average units, resulting in nine readings provided for each day.
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There is a growing trend towards combining mathematics and computer science education. Although there are surely synergies between the two disciplines, has sufficient thought been given to the benefit of fostering independently the unique skillsets they offer in order to best harness these synergies?
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The increasing complexity of intelligent systems in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain makes it essential to explain their behavior and decision-making processes to users. However, selecting an appropriate explanation method for a particular intelligent system in this domain can be challenging, given the diverse range of available XAI (eXplainable Artificial Intelligence) methods and the heterogeneity of IoT applications. This dataset is a case base elicited from an exhaustive literature review on existing explanation solutions of AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of the Things) systems.
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