NSL-KDD in JSON Format

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Jalindar Karande
- Last updated:
- Mon, 06/15/2020 - 05:17
- DOI:
- 10.21227/w3f0-nr98
- License:
- Creative Commons Attribution
NSL-KDD is a benchmark dataset available in a comma-separated text file. Many advance analytics tools prefer data set in a JSON format due to its ability to self describe. We converted the benchmark dataset to a JSON format as a part of our research work. This dataset in a JSON format will be very useful for researchers doing analysis using advance analytics tools.
Request for the usage of data for Research
I am a Research Scholar who wants the access to the benchmark dataset for the analysis using advance analytics tools.
Request for the usage of data for Research
Hi Ankita,
You can use this dataset for your research and please provide citation for the same in your research publications as follows:
Jalindar Karande, Sarang Joshi, June 15, 2020, "NSL-KDD in JSON Format", IEEE Dataport, doi:
Thanks and regards,
Jalindar Karande
REQUEST FOR THE USge of a data for a research
kindly allow me to use your dataset for research purposes.
Thank you.