An Algorithm for Root Locus Construction

Citation Author(s):
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Submitted by:
Davide Tebaldi
Last updated:
Tue, 12/03/2024 - 10:32
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A new rootlocus algorithm is proposed for the construction of the root locus of dynamic systems. The “rootlocus.m” function implements the proposed algorithm. The “rootlocus.m” function takes as input the numerator “Num” and the denominator “Den” of the loop gain function characterizing the considered dynamic system. The user may also provide a third input “kk”, which is the vector containing the desired values for the control parameter “K” of the feedback system. If not provided, a default choice is assumed for vector containg the values for the control parameter “K”. In the example uploaded in this dataset, the “rootlocus.m” function is launched by the script “Root_Locus_Construction_Example.m”, which contains examples of application of the rootlocus function to the construction of the root locus of several dynamic systems.


A new rootlocus algorithm is proposed for the construction of the root locus of dynamic systems. The “rootlocus.m” function implements the proposed algorithm. The “rootlocus.m” function takes as input the numerator “Num” and the denominator “Den” of the loop gain function characterizing the considered dynamic system. The user may also provide a third input “kk”, which is the vector containing the desired values for the control parameter “K” of the feedback system. If not provided, a default choice is assumed for vector containg the values for the control parameter “K”. In the example uploaded in this dataset, the “rootlocus.m” function is launched by the script “Root_Locus_Construction_Example.m”, which contains examples of application of the rootlocus function to the construction of the root locus of several dynamic systems.