Signal Processing

In the fifth generation (5G) wireless communication, high-speed railway (HSR) communication is one of the most challenging scenarios. By adopting massive multi-input multi-output (mMIMO) technology in HSR communication, the design of the underlying communication system becomes more challenging. Some new channel characteristics must be studied, such as non-stationarity in space, time and frequency domains. In this paper, two models are established for the two states of HSR.
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In the fifth generation (5G) wireless communication, high-speed railway (HSR) communication is one of the most challenging scenarios. By adopting massive multi-input multi-output (mMIMO) technology in HSR communication, the design of the underlying communication system becomes more challenging. Some new channel characteristics must be studied, such as non-stationarity in space, time and frequency domains. In this paper, two models are established for the two states of HSR at rest or in motion.
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For more information please take a look at the corresponding paper (DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2963786)
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Time Scale Modification (TSM) is a well-researched field; however, no effective objective measure of quality exists. This paper details the creation, subjective evaluation, and analysis of a dataset for use in the development of an objective measure of quality for TSM. Comprised of two parts, the training component contains 88 source files processed using six TSM methods at 10 time scales, while the testing component contains 20 source files processed using three additional methods at four time scales.
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With the development of audio synthesis techniques, the most state-of-art synthesis methods based on Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) have been proposed. Whether the automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems are vulnerability to the GAN based synthesized audios is urgently needed to be verified. We present a publicly available set of GAN based synthesized audios generated by some open source schemes (WaveGAN,TifGAN,GANSynth,MelGAN), which allows researches to verify impact of the GAN-synthetic audio on security of ASV systems.
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monitoring, processing and prediction data
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The experimental measurement setup is performed in an anechoic chamber to secure the LOS transmission at the Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technologies Research Laboratories (MILTAL), Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK), Kocaeli. The dimensions of anechoic chamber are 7m × 4m × 3m. The dataset includes channel impulse response in between 240GHz and 300GHz for the transmitter-receiver distance of 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 60cm, and 80cm.
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The development of electronic nose (e-nose) for a rapid, simple, and low-cost meat assessment system becomes the concern of researchers in recent years. Hence, we provide time-series datasets that were recorded from e-nose for beef quality monitoring experiment. This dataset is originated from 12 type of beef cuts including round (shank), top sirloin, tenderloin, flap meat (flank), striploin (shortloin), brisket, clod/chuck, skirt meat (plate), inside/outside, rib eye, shin, and fat.
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This dataset has 11 sets of feature data extracted with different signal-to-noise and a set of simulation results of modulation classification. Feature dataset consists of 2 novel features and 15 classic features, and dataset of simulation results represents the effectiveness of FS_DT-SSVM classifier.
These data match the experimental data of the paper “Automatic Modulation Classification Based on Novel Feature Extraction Algorithms”.
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