
Here we intend to review the current state of the art of interactive data exploration techniques,

and to discover the maturity of the existing solutions. We look for solutions that satisfy three requirements:

access to raw data files, stored in a distributed environment, and with a reasonably low latency.

Method This work follows the well-defined guidelines for Systematic Mapping Studies, which is well-

suited for gathering and classifying available studies.


This dataset contains the results of a systematic literature review of visualization in Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM employs data-rich 3D CAD models for large-scale facility design, construction, and operation. These complex datasets contain a large amount and variety of information, ranging from design specifications to real-time sensor data. They are used by architects and engineers for various analysis and simulations throughout a facility's life cycle. Many techniques from different visualization fields could be used to analyze these data.


This dataset contains the results of a systematic literature review of information visualization in Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM employs 3D CAD models as a central knowledge base for large-scale facility design, construction, and operation. For many years now, the construction industry has researched how to best take advantage of this integrated environment. Its growing information complexity calls upon innovative techniques for effective visual analysis and exploration.


AMBA specification defines protocol for Bus Architecture for data and control signals intercommunication among processors, memory and controller interfaces. Within a high-performance embedded system, multiple processors are fused to meet the specification of the design. Thus, a fitting Bus Architecture is to be implemented for efficient inter-communication of processors. Advanced System Bus is one such flavour of AMBA transfer protocols, designed for provision of communication of a modular system.


The file contains two arrays:


InCondSim: the initial conditions of the combustion system organized as C3H8, C2H5, CH3, O2, C3H7, HO2, H7C3, CH4, HH, H2, OO, OH, H2O, HO2, H2O2, C2H4, C3H6, C3H5, CH2O, HCO, MM, CH3O, C2H6, C2H3, C2H2, C2H, CO, CH2, CO2.


peakPWR: the peak power generated by the combustion.


This dataset includes  the Channels Switch Sequences of 300 IPTV viewers in Guangzhou, P.R. China, in Augest, 2014. There are 4 columns in the file, which represent viewer ID, the current channel number, the next channel number, the date of the month, respectively. The first column, the ID code of a viewer, ranks in descent with the times the viewer watched tv channels. The more times a viewer watches tv channels, the bigger the ID is. In a day, the rows are time series and generated step by step as the real watching tv behavior. 






This dataset includes  the Channels Switch Sequences of 300 IPTV viewers in Guangzhou, P.R. China, in Augest, 2014.

There are 4 columns in the file, which represent viewer ID, the current channel number, th next channel number, the date of the month, respectively.

The first column, the ID code of a viewter, ranks with the times the viewer watched tv channels. The more times a viewer watches tv channels, the bigger

the ID is. In a day, the rows are time series and generated step by step as the real watching tv behavior. 






This table summarizes the results of our search of topics/categories on ACM DL and IEEE Xplore and lists the earliest relevant publication found in each topic/category along with the title, authors, direct links, and venue and/or remarks as appropriate.


The software industry is a very flexible phenomenon. Adding network concepts to this industry means we have countless actors with different roles on a single ground. Its players include software developers, customers, users, and software components. The purpose of this article is to create a better way to communicate between these actors.We can imagine software engineering different and more effective than the current situation.

