Machine Learning

This dataset is related to dog activity and is sensor data.
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With the rapid deployment of indoor Wi-Fi networks, Channel State Information (CSI) has been used for device-free occupant activity recognition. However, various environmental factors interfere with the stable propagation of Wi-Fi signals indoors, which causes temporal variation of CSI data. In this study, we investigated temporal CSI variation in a real-world housing environment and its impact on learning-based occupant activity recognition.
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Two dataset collected by USkin tactile sensors for detecting grasping stability and slip detection during lifting objects.
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Screening tools play a vital role in sensory processing disorder detection. The automatic collection of features related to behavioral parameters and the response to given stimuli is possible with the recent technology. Real time stress related health parameters are collected as response to visual stimuli created with experts’ suggestions based on visual sensory processing related questionnaire. Body temperature and heart rate are obtained by smart watch.
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eLearning, or online learning, has reached every corner of the globe in this era of digitization. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the value of eLearning has increased substantially. In eLearning recommendation systems, information overload, personalised suggestion, sparsity, and accuracy are all major problems. The correct eLearning Recommendation System is necessary to tailor the course recommendation according to the user's needs. To create this model, dataset of the User Profile and User Rating is needed.
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Each dataset is splitted by trainset, devset and testset.
Please read them with pytorch.
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Switching vectors of an inverter with model predictive control were collected for different conditions of an induction machine. The induction machine had a rated speed of w=3000 rpm and a rated torque of T=1.20 N·m. The switching vectors were recorded as data series for the induction machine operating at different combinations of speed and torque at healthy and faulty states. Each data series consisted of 22000 switching vectors. Inter-turn short circuit fault was introduced over 2 turns (out of 104 turns) in one phase of the machine.
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The design and implementation of an anthropomorphic robotic hand control system for the Bioengineering and Neuroimaging Laboratory LNB of the ESPOL were elaborated. The myoelectric signals were obtained using a bioelectric data acquisition board (CYTON BOARD) using six channels out of 8 available, which had an amplitude of 200 [uV] at a sampling frequency of 250 [Hz].
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