Artificial Intelligence

We generated attack datasets 1 based on real data from Austin, Texas.
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The feature map from convolution neural networks
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Mother’s Significant Feature (MSF) Dataset has been designed to provide data to researchers working towards woman and child health betterment. MSF dataset records are collected from the Mumbai metropolitan region in Maharashtra, India. Women were interviewed just after childbirth between February 2018 to March 2021. MSF comprise of 450 records with a total of 130 attributes consisting of mother’s features, father’s features and health outcomes. A detailed dataset is created to understand the mother’s features spread across three phases of her reproductive age i.e.
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Expanding our knowledge of small molecules beyond what is known in nature or designed in wet laboratories promises to significantly advance drug discovery, biotechnology, and material science. Computing novel small molecules with specific structural and functional properties is non-trivial, primarily due to the size, dimensionality, and multi-modality of the corresponding search space. Deep generative models that learn directly from data without the need for domain insight are recently providing a way forward.
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This file contains the MAB algorithms for millimeter wave (mmWave) beamforming training (BT) in Indoor environment for both single beam and concurrent beams scenarios. The algorithms were developed using MATLAB software and they are making use of the following data set
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This dataset of 7200 channels is generated at different locations in the room area of 30x15x4 m3, where the locations are separated by 0.25m in both horizontal and vertical directions. Each AP uses 10 dBm TX power and 2D BF. In the concurrent mmWave BT scenario, all APs are operating, while in the single mmWave BT scenario, we consider a single AP fixed on the center of the room’s ceiling
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A fundamental building block of any computer-assisted interventions (CAI) is the ability to automatically understand what the surgeons are performing throughout the surgery. In other words, recognizing the surgical activities being performed or the tools being used by the surgeon can be deemed as an essential steps toward CAI. The main motivation for these tasks is to design efficient solutions for surgical workflow analysis. The CATARACTS dataset was proposed in this context. This dataset consists of 50 cataract surgery.
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Twitter is one of the most popular social networks for sentiment analysis. This data set of tweets are related to the stock market. We collected 943,672 tweets between April 9 and July 16, 2020, using the S&P 500 tag (#SPX500), the references to the top 25 companies in the S&P 500 index, and the Bloomberg tag (#stocks). 1,300 out of the 943,672 tweets were manually annotated in positive, neutral, or negative classes. A second independent annotator reviewed the manually annotated tweets.
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This dataset is used to model the zinc concentrate grade monitoring, which includes features of froth video in the last cleaning cell.
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The S3 dataset contains the behaviour (sensors, statistics of applications, and voice) of 21 volunteers interacting with their smartphones for more than 60 days. The type of users is diverse, males and females in the age range from 18 until 70 have been considered in the dataset generation. The wide range of age is a key aspect, due to the impact of age in terms of smartphone usage. To generate the dataset the volunteers installed a prototype of the smartphone application in on their Android mobile phones.
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