Artificial Intelligence

We obtained 6 million instances to be used as an analysis for modelling CO2 behavior. The Data Logging and sensors nodes acquisition are every 1 second.
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It includes 312 ROIs. An ROI is a rectangular BMP image region. A rectangular image region is located within a PDAC tumor region or within a HP region of a slice CT image. ROIs of 1-153 are PDAC, ROIs of 154:312 are HP.
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The data set includes three sub-data sets, namely the DAGM2007 data set, the ground crack data set, and the Yibao bottle cap defect data set, which are divided into a training set and a test set, in which the positive and negative samples are unbalanced.
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Nextmed project is a software platform for the segmentation and visualization of medical images. It consist on a series of different automatic segmentation algorithms for different anatomical structures and a platform for the visualization of the results as 3D models.
This dataset contains the .obj and .nrrd files that correspond to the results of applying our automatic lung segmentation algorithm to the LIDC-IDRI dataset.
This dataset relates to 718 of the 1012 LIDC-IDRI scans.
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Egocentric vision is important for environment-adaptive control and navigation of humans and robots. Here we developed ExoNet, the largest open-source dataset of wearable camera images of real-world walking environments. The dataset contains over 5.6 million RGB images of indoor and outdoor environments, which were collected during summer, fall, and winter. 923,000 of the images were human-annotated using a 12-class hierarchical labelling architecture.
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The dataset is used to detect essential protein in uncertain PPI network.
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The PPI datasets were collected from four different sources: DIP, MIPS, Gavin, and Krogan. All self-interactions and repeated interactions were filtered. The essential proteins were collected from the following four different databases: MIPS,SGD,DEGand SGDP ( Gene expression data were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database ( with accession number GSE3431.
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