Artificial Intelligence

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The ABERDEEN Face Database is a well-known dataset in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition, specifically designed for research into face detection, recognition, and related tasks. Compiled by researchers at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, this database provides a valuable resource for scientists and engineers working on facial analysis algorithms.
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The Essays-Big5 and Kaggle-MBTI datasets are valuable resources for personality research, combining diverse textual data with psychological labels. The Essays-Big5 dataset includes over 2,000 personal essays annotated with Big Five personality traits, enabling the exploration of linguistic patterns correlated with personality dimensions, with data split stratified by personality trait distributions to ensure balanced representation.
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We collected patient-doctor interaction data from the Haodf online consultation platform on the six common diseases, categorized by different risk levels. Low-risk diseases include Common Cold (Cold) and Pneumonia (Pneu.), medium-risk diseases include Diabetes (Diab.) and Depression (Depr.), and high-risk diseases include Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and Lung Cancer (Lung.). We only use publicly accessible data, with all patients and doctors remaining anonymous, ensuring effective protection of their privacy.
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We present the SynSUM benchmark, a synthetic dataset linking unstructured clinical notes to structured background variables. The dataset consists of 10,000 artificial patient records containing tabular variables (like symptoms, diagnoses and underlying conditions) and associated clinical notes describing the fictional patient encounter in the domain of respiratory diseases. The tabular portion of the data is generated through a Bayesian network, where both the causal structure between the variables and the conditional probabilities are proposed by an expert based on domain knowledge.
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The presented dataset contains information about struts utilized in a material system, including three key attributes: strut diameter, strut type, and sample number. The strut diameter describes the structural element's physical dimension, whereas the strut type specifies the design or placement inside the material, such as edge configurations. A sample number is assigned to each sample, identifying it uniquely. This data can be used in machine learning systems to forecast material qualities, optimize designs, and investigate the effect of strut configurations on structural performance.
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ShanghaiTechRGBD is a large-scale RGB-D crowd counting dataset including 2,293 pairs of RGB-D images, which were annotated with the heads of 144,512 pedestrians. In addition, to facilitate the verification of the algorithm, the dataset is divided into training and testing sets, which contain 1,193 pairs of images and 1,000 pairs of images, respectively. This dataset is derived from the following paper: 1. Locating_and_Counting_Heads_in_Crowds_With_a_Depth_Prior. 2. Density map regression guided detection network for rgb-d crowd counting and localization. To use this dataset, please cite:D.
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DroneRGBT dataset consists of 3,600 pairs of RGB-T images, which have annotations for a total of 175,698 pedestrians that were captured by drones. This dataset is split into 1,800 pairs of images for training, and the rest are used for testing, thereby further improving the comprehensiveness of our experimental verification. This dataset is derived from the following paper:Rgb-t crowd counting from drone: A benchmark and mmccn network.To use the dataset, please cite: T. Peng, Q. Li, and P.
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RGB-T Crowd counting. RGBT-CC dataset is made up of 2,030 pairs of RGB-T images, each having a resolution of 640×480, and these images were captured under different scene circumstances and lighting conditions. A total of 138,389 pedestrians are precisely annotated in this dataset, and there are roughly 68 pedestrians on average in each image. It is divided into three separate subsets: training is performed using 1,030 images, 200 images are used for validation, and 800 images are for testing.
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Scene understanding in a contested battlefield is one of the very difficult tasks for detecting and identifying threats. In a complex battlefield, multiple autonomous robots for multi-domain operations are likely to track the activities of the same threat/objects leading to inefficient and redundant tasks. To address this problem, we propose a novel and effective object clustering framework that takes into account the position and depth of objects scattered in the scene. This framework enables the robot to focus solely on the objects of interest.
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