Artificial Intelligence
WITH the advancement in sensor technology, huge amounts of data are being collected from various satellites. Hence, the task of target-based data retrieval and acquisition has become exceedingly challenging. Existing satellites essentially scan a vast overlapping region of the Earth using various sensing techniques, like multi-spectral, hyperspectral, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), video, and compressed sensing, to name a few.
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WITH the advancement in sensor technology, huge amounts of data are being collected from various satellites. Hence, the task of target-based data retrieval and acquisition has become exceedingly challenging. Existing satellites essentially scan a vast overlapping region of the Earth using various sensing techniques, like multi-spectral, hyperspectral, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), video, and compressed sensing, to name a few.
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WITH the advancement in sensor technology, huge amounts of data are being collected from various satellites. Hence, the task of target-based data retrieval and acquisition has become exceedingly challenging. Existing satellites essentially scan a vast overlapping region of the Earth using various sensing techniques, like multi-spectral, hyperspectral, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), video, and compressed sensing, to name a few.
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WITH the advancement in sensor technology, huge amounts of data are being collected from various satellites. Hence, the task of target-based data retrieval and acquisition has become exceedingly challenging. Existing satellites essentially scan a vast overlapping region of the Earth using various sensing techniques, like multi-spectral, hyperspectral, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), video, and compressed sensing, to name a few.
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With the advancement in sensor technology, huge amounts of data are being collected from various satellites. Hence, the task of target-based data retrieval and acquisition has become exceedingly challenging. Existing satellites essentially scan a vast overlapping region of the Earth using various sensing techniques, like multi-spectral, hyperspectral, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), video, and compressed sensing, to name a few.
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With the advancement in sensor technology, huge amounts of data are being collected from various satellites. Hence, the task of target-based data retrieval and acquisition has become exceedingly challenging. Existing satellites essentially scan a vast overlapping region of the Earth using various sensing techniques, like multi-spectral, hyperspectral, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), video, and compressed sensing, to name a few.
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The Ways To Wear a Mask or a Respirator Database (WWMR-DB) is a test database that can be used to compare the behavior of current mask detection systems with images that most closely resemble the real case. It consists of 1222 images divided into 8 classes, depicting the most common ways in which masks or respirators are worn:
- Mask Or Respirator Not Worn
- Mask Or Respirator Correctly Worn
- Mask Or Respirator Under The Nose
- Mask Or Respirator Under The Chin
- Mask Or Respirator Hanging From An Ear
- Mask Or Respirator On The Tip Of The Nose
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This data is for the portfolio
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This dataset contains (1) the Simulink model of a three-phase photovoltaic power system with passive anti-islanding protections like over/under current (OUC), over/under voltage (OUV), over/under frequency (OUF), rate of change of frequency (ROCOF), and dc-link voltage and (2) the results in the voltage source converter and the point of common coupling of the photovoltaic system during islanding operation mode and detection times of analyzed anti-islanding methods.
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This dataset was used for OFDM Signal Real-Time Modulation Recognition Based on Deep Learning and Software-Defined Radio, which provides additional details and description of the dataset. We generate 6 modulated OFDM baseband signals with header modulation and payload modulation as BPSK+BPSK, BPSK+QPSK, BPSK+8PSK, QPSK+BPSK, QPSK+QPSK, QPSK+8PSK, respectively. The SNR range of each signal is from -10 dB to +20 dB at intervals of 2 dB. There are 4096 pieces of data generated for each signal type under a specific SNR and each piece of data has 1024 samples.
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