Artificial Intelligence
Automated driving in public traffic still faces many technical and legal challenges. However, automating vehicles at low speeds in controlled industrial environments is already achievable today. A reliable obstacle detection is mandatory to prevent accidents. Recent advances in convolutional neural network-based algorithms have made it conceivable to replace distance measuring laser scanners with common monocameras.
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Our experimental data come from a city commercial bank in China. These data belong to the bank’s private database. The original data set has 67 attributes and a total of 29,723 loan samples.
7.8 磅
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Preprocessed dataset
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A Dynamic Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm
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This dataset is the supporting dataset for the paper "Simulating tropical cyclone passive microwave rainfall imagery using infrared imagery via generative adversarial networks". The dataset contains infrared images as well as passive microwave rainfall images, and they are paired.
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This dataset is related to dog activity and is sensor data.
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Alan's GYA experimental data
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Each dataset is splitted by trainset, devset and testset.
Please read them with pytorch.
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The design and implementation of an anthropomorphic robotic hand control system for the Bioengineering and Neuroimaging Laboratory LNB of the ESPOL were elaborated. The myoelectric signals were obtained using a bioelectric data acquisition board (CYTON BOARD) using six channels out of 8 available, which had an amplitude of 200 [uV] at a sampling frequency of 250 [Hz].
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