Machine Learning

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes chronic infection in 250 million people worldwide. Chronic HBV carriers have a high risk of fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Drug resistance often develops during long-term antiviral treatment using HBV polymerase/reverse transcriptase inhibitors, making anti-HBV therapies as well as drug development more complicated. In this paper, a machine learning method based on large scale of gene expression profiles was used for anti-HBV drug screening.
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Traditional Static Timing Analysis (STA) assumes only single input switches at a time with the side input held at non-controlling value. This introduces unnecessary pessimism or optimism which may cause degradation of performance or chip failure. Modeling Multi-Input Switching (MIS) requires a good amount of simulations hence we provide a dataset comprising of SPICE simulations done on 2 input NAND and NOR gate.
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Summary: The archive of DCLN project ( is provided.
Code & Script: Written in C/C++, run Shell scripts on Linux system. Mature DCLNv2 package available for download. Check './' for usage info.
Document: Details of hyperparameters tuning, data preprocessing and code compiling are given.
Data: Four nonlinear simulation datasets are provided (Fig. 2 of the main paper). Each study has ~2000 training samples and ~2000 test samples.
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This data contains EMG records of forearm movements. this data can be used for the learning process for students and lecturers or researchers. The sensor used to record data is "Myo Arm-Band". The data is equipped with eight features and ends with the arm movement label still using the Indonesian language term.
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The development of technology also influences changes in campaign patterns. Campaign activities are part of the process of Election of Regional Heads. The aim of the campaign is to mobilize public participation, which is carried out directly or through social media. Social media becomes a channel for interaction between candidates and their supporters. Interactions that occur during the campaign period can be one indicator of the success of the closeness between voters and candidates. This study aims to get the pattern of campaign interactions that occur on Twitter social media channels.
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This data consists of ten gestures. The format is CSV, arranged in thirty features that end with a label. Each movement is repeated five times and the coordinates are obtained. The sensor used is LeapMotion. This data can be used as a means of machine learning exercises. can be used for students learning machine learning subjects. articles that have used this data can be seen at the link:
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This dataset is part of my PhD research on malware detection and classification using Deep Learning. It contains static analysis data: Top-1000 imported functions extracted from the 'pe_imports' elements of Cuckoo Sandbox reports. PE malware examples were downloaded from PE goodware examples were downloaded from and from Windows 7 x86 directories.
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This dataset is part of my PhD research on malware detection and classification using Deep Learning. It contains static analysis data: Raw PE byte stream rescaled to a 32 x 32 greyscale image using the Nearest Neighbor Interpolation algorithm and then flattened to a 1024 bytes vector. PE malware examples were downloaded from PE goodware examples were downloaded from and from Windows 7 x86 directories.
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This dataset comes up as a benchmark dataset for machines to automatically recognizing the handwritten assamese digists (numerals) by extracting useful features by analyzing the structure. The Assamese language comprises of a total of 10 digits from 0 to 9. We have collected a total of 516 handwritten digits from 52 native assamese people irrespective of their age (12-86 years), gender, educational background etc. The digits are captured in .jpeg format using a paint mobile application developed by us which automatically saves the images in the internal storage of the mobile.
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This dataset is part of my PhD research on malware detection and classification using Deep Learning. It contains static analysis data (PE Section Headers of the .text, .code and CODE sections) extracted from the 'pe_sections' elements of Cuckoo Sandbox reports. PE malware examples were downloaded from PE goodware examples were downloaded from and from Windows 7 x86 directories.
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