Machine Learning

This dataset maps mood to information about the events that influenced the mood. The dataset was obtained using a web-based data collection interface developed by us. The dataset consists of 5245 days of data from 134 participants in the experiment.


In this project, we propose a new comprehensive realistic cyber security dataset of IoT and IIoT applications, called Edge-IIoTset, which can be used by machine learning-based intrusion detection systems in two different modes, namely, centralized and federated learning. Specifically, the proposed testbed is organized into seven layers, including, Cloud Computing Layer, Network Functions Virtualization Layer, Blockchain Network Layer, Fog Computing Layer, Software-Defined Networking Layer, Edge Computing Layer, and IoT and IIoT Perception Layer.


The millimeter-wave radar has the ability to sense the subtle movement of hand. However, the traditional hand gesture recognition methods are not robust in the scenario with dynamic interference. To address this issue, a robust hand gesture recognition method is proposed based on the self-attention time-series neural networks. Firstly, the original radar echo is constructed in terms of frame, sequence and channel at the input terminal of network.


The measurement and diagnosis of the severity of failures in rotating machines allow the execution of predictive maintenance actions on equipment. These actions make it possible to monitor the operating parameters of the machine and to perform the prediction of failures, thus avoiding production losses, severe damage to the equipment, and safeguarding the integrity of the equipment operators. This paper describes the construction of a dataset composed of vibration signals of a rotating machine.


Power system state estimation (PSSE) plays a vital role in stable operation of modern smart grids, while it is vulnerable to cyber attacks. False data injection attacks (FDIA), one of the most common cyber attacks, can tamper with measurement data and bypass the bad data detection (BDD) mechanism, leading to incorrect PSSE results.


One of the industries that uses Machine Learning is Radiation Oncology


Fecal microscopic data set is a set of fecal microscopic images, which is used in object detection task. The datasets are collected from the Sixth People’s Hospital of Chengdu (Sichuan Province, China). The samples were went flow diluted, stirred and placed, and imaged with a microscopic imaging system. The clearest 5 images were collected for each view of each sample with Tenengrad definition algorithm. The dataset we collected includes 10670 groups of views with 53350 jpg images. The Resolution of images are 1200×1600. There are 4 categories, RBCs, WBCs, Molds, and Pyocytes.


Today, the cameras are fixed everywhere, in streets, in vehicles, and in any public area. However, Analysis and extraction of information from images are required. Particularly, in autonomous vehicles and in smart applications that are developed to guide tourists. So, a large dataset of scene text images is an important and difficult factor in the extraction of textual information in natural images. It is the input to any computer vision system.

