The dataset is a self-constructed wafer surface defect dataset, with each image captured in real-time. The extraction and segmentation of wafer image have been performed, and each image represents a single individual die. The dataset primarily includes images of defect-free dies, as well as four types of defective images: particle, scratch, stain, and liquid residual. A total of 500 images are included, and the various types of defects within the images have been annotated using the Make Sense online annotation tool.

Dataset Files

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[1] Mengyun Li, "Wafer Surface Defect", IEEE Dataport, 2024. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Dec. 08, 2024.
doi = {10.21227/7x9f-zt52},
url = {},
author = {Mengyun Li },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {Wafer Surface Defect},
year = {2024} }
T1 - Wafer Surface Defect
AU - Mengyun Li
PY - 2024
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/7x9f-zt52
ER -
Mengyun Li. (2024). Wafer Surface Defect. IEEE Dataport.
Mengyun Li, 2024. Wafer Surface Defect. Available at:
Mengyun Li. (2024). "Wafer Surface Defect." Web.
1. Mengyun Li. Wafer Surface Defect [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2024. Available from :
Mengyun Li. "Wafer Surface Defect." doi: 10.21227/7x9f-zt52