The data refer to times of payment from a hospital billing (HB) data set. The source data were collected from a hospital in the Netherlands over three years provided by Felix Mannhardt, Massimiliano de Leoni, Hajo A. Reijers and Wil M. P. van der Aalst in the paper with the title "Data-Driven Process Discovery - Revealing Conditional Infrequent Behavior from Event Logs". Based on the original data, duration data in four tasks are extracted for the analysis of patient patterns from a time perspective.

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[1] Lingkai Yang, "Process task durations in a hospital billing process", IEEE Dataport, 2023. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Jan. 14, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/ggp8-je65},
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author = {Lingkai Yang },
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T1 - Process task durations in a hospital billing process
AU - Lingkai Yang
PY - 2023
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/ggp8-je65
ER -
Lingkai Yang. (2023). Process task durations in a hospital billing process. IEEE Dataport.
Lingkai Yang, 2023. Process task durations in a hospital billing process. Available at:
Lingkai Yang. (2023). "Process task durations in a hospital billing process." Web.
1. Lingkai Yang. Process task durations in a hospital billing process [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2023. Available from :
Lingkai Yang. "Process task durations in a hospital billing process." doi: 10.21227/ggp8-je65