Datasets Standard Dataset metadata Citation Author(s): yangyu Ting-HuiXiao Submitted by: yang yu Last updated: Mon, 07/08/2024 - 15:58 DOI: 10.21227/b55m-1w28 License: Creative Commons Attribution Views Categories: Other Keywords: microcavity, optical fiber, strong coupling 0 0 ratings - Please login to submit your rating. ACCESS DATASET CITE SHARE/EMBED Abstract  High-performance single-photon sources (SPSs) are essential components for quantum information technology and have been realized by strong coupling between a single quantum emitter and an optical cavity. However, the configurations of conventional SPSs are not ideal for long-distance quantum communication as they are intrinsically incompatible with optical fibers. Here we propose and design a strong-coupling system based on a single quantum emitter directly coupled with an in-fiber microcavity. The in-fiber microcavity not only achieves a high coupling efficiency of 83% and a high Purcell factor of 360, but also pushes the coupling system to enter the strong-coupling region with a vacuum Rabi splitting up to 4.35 meV. This enables a high quantum efficiency of 99% for a SPS. Our work presents a promising platform for realizing high-performance SPSs for long-distance quantum communication. Instructions:       Single-photon sources (SPSs) are essential components for quantum information technology as single photons are needed as fast-flying qubits for various applications such as quantum cryptography, quantum computing,and quantum communication. One of the most promising methods for realizing high-performance SPSs is through the use of strong coupling (SC) between a single quantum emitter (QE) and an optical cavity. For example, the use of a semiconductor quantum dot coupled with an on-chip photonic cavity with an ultrahigh quality (Q) factor and an extremely small mode volume has resulted in impressive on-demand SPSs with high degrees of indistinguishability and high collection efficiencies. However, the configurations of these SPSs are not ideal for long-distance quantum communication as they are intrinsically incompatible with optical fibers and require additional couplers to couple the generated single photons into the optical fibers for long-distance transmission. This results in a bulky and complex setup, leading to additional insertion loss and a high error rate of qubits in quantum communication. In this work, we propose a SC system based on a single QE directly coupled with an in-fiber microcavity for long-distance quantum communication. The in-fiber microcavity is adiabatically connected with single-mode fibers, which avoids using bulky and complex couplers while enabling negligible insertion loss. The in-fiber microcavity is designed to have a high Q factor and an ultrasmall mode volume by utilizing twenty-five air holes with precisely tailored sizes in each reflector of the in-fiber microcavity. A square through hole is introduced into the in-fiber microcavity center to boost the Purcell factor and the coupling efficiency with the single QE. With this in-fiber microcavity design, an anti-crossing behavior with a vacuum Rabi splitting is obtained to enter the strong-coupling regime, which enables a high quantum efficiency for a SPS. Our work presents a promising platform for realizing high-performance SPSs for long-distance quantum communication. 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Available at: MLA yang yu, Ting-Hui Xiao. (2023). "metadata." Web. Vancouver 1. yang yu, Ting-Hui Xiao. metadata [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2023. Available from : Chicago yang yu, Ting-Hui Xiao. "metadata." doi: 10.21227/b55m-1w28 Close Share / Embed × Embed this dataset on another website Copy and paste the HTML code below to embed your dataset: Share via email or social media Click the buttons below: Share a link to this dataset Permalink: DOI Link: Short Link: Close Access on AWS × s3://ieee-dataport/data/1166401/data.xlsx Copy All URIs to the Clipboard View AWS Security Credentials How to use Access Files on AWS Close var clipboard = new Clipboard('.clipit'); clipboard.on('success', function(e) { jQuery('#clipmsg').text('Success: Copied to your clipboard!'); jQuery('#clipmsg').addClass('text-success'); jQuery('#clipmsg').removeClass('text-danger'); e.clearSelection(); }); clipboard.on('error', function(e) { jQuery('#clipmsg').text('Could not copy to your clipboard. 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