Muhammad Ali Farooq, Waseem Shariff, Faisal Khan, Peter Corcoran, Cosmin Rotariu

The C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset provides > 35,000 distinct frames along with annotated thermal frames for the development of smart thermal perception system/ object detection system that will enable the automotive industry and researchers to develop safer and more efficient ADAS and self-driving car systems. The overall dataset is acquired, processed, and open-sourced in challenging weather and environmental scenarios. The dataset is recorded from a lost-cost yet effective 640x480 uncooled LWIR thermal camera.

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[1] Muhammad Ali Farooq, Waseem Shariff, Faisal Khan, Peter Corcoran, Cosmin Rotariu, "C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset", IEEE Dataport, 2022. [Online]. Available: Accessed: Jan. 23, 2025.
doi = {10.21227/jf21-rt22},
url = {},
author = {Muhammad Ali Farooq; Waseem Shariff; Faisal Khan; Peter Corcoran; Cosmin Rotariu },
publisher = {IEEE Dataport},
title = {C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset},
year = {2022} }
T1 - C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset
AU - Muhammad Ali Farooq; Waseem Shariff; Faisal Khan; Peter Corcoran; Cosmin Rotariu
PY - 2022
PB - IEEE Dataport
UR - 10.21227/jf21-rt22
ER -
Muhammad Ali Farooq, Waseem Shariff, Faisal Khan, Peter Corcoran, Cosmin Rotariu. (2022). C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset. IEEE Dataport.
Muhammad Ali Farooq, Waseem Shariff, Faisal Khan, Peter Corcoran, Cosmin Rotariu, 2022. C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset. Available at:
Muhammad Ali Farooq, Waseem Shariff, Faisal Khan, Peter Corcoran, Cosmin Rotariu. (2022). "C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset." Web.
1. Muhammad Ali Farooq, Waseem Shariff, Faisal Khan, Peter Corcoran, Cosmin Rotariu. C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset [Internet]. IEEE Dataport; 2022. Available from :
Muhammad Ali Farooq, Waseem Shariff, Faisal Khan, Peter Corcoran, Cosmin Rotariu. "C3I Thermal Automotive Dataset." doi: 10.21227/jf21-rt22